Leftist Georgia Judge Arrested And Dismissed From Bench After Assaulting Police

As the childish nature of the political left seeps into every facet of American society there will be inevitable abuses of power on a scale consistent with the worst kinds of third-world cesspools. 

Positions of authority requiring a high level of decorum are now being populated with low-IQ, impulse driven adolescents trapped inside adult bodies.  It’s a bad look, but also a poisonous condition for fairness or justice.  DEI strikes again, and the lowest common denominator continues to cut in line ahead of people with much greater merit and far better aptitude.   

June 27, 2024


Maybe it’s time for America to reconsider the ugly trend of bringing the ghetto into politics and the courtroom?  The list of leftist politicians and judges in trouble for corruption and belligerent low-class behavior is growing long.  It’s painful for many Americans to think about how this reflects on the country overall.  If anyone was unsure about our status as an idiocracy, we certainly look like one now.

Case in point, one of Georgia’s highest paid (and most infamous) Democrat judges, Christina Peterson, has recently been arrested for assault on a police officer outside a nightclub in Atlanta.  Peterson has subsequently been dismissed from the bench, but not just for allegedly striking an officer during the arrest of another woman.  She was also investigated and disciplined for dozens of professional violations.  Seeing her personal conduct when interacting with police, one wonders how it was possible for such a woman to be in the position to become a judge.

The Atlanta Police Department said Peterson repeatedly brushed the officer’s arms away and pushed him twice before he detained her outside the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge on Peachtree Road.  She refused to give officers her name for hours after the arrest. 

She now claims that the officer didn’t identify himself and that he was engaged in a “coverup” of his “improper acts.”  The officer’s body cam footage appears to indicate otherwise.

An investigation was already underway into 28 accusations of misconduct against Peterson when the incident occurred. 

This week, the Georgia Supreme Court issued a decision removing her from office early, with her original term due to end later this year.

The Supreme Court said the most troubling allegation against Peterson had to do with her treatment of a woman who appeared before her while trying to correct an error on her marriage certificate. Peterson held the woman in criminal contempt and imposed the maximum jail term of 20 days and a fine “without explanation or justification,” the panel found.

Peterson is also alleged to have allowed people to enter the county courthouse after hours without ensuring proper security screening and then made unjustified requests for deputies to work overtime at taxpayer expense when her after-hours access was limited as a result, the high court opinion says. She also pressed a panic button in her chambers when the deputy assigned to escort her to court did not arrive on time. Those actions “did not demonstrate the decorum and temperament required of a judge,” the opinion says.

As the childish nature of the political left seeps into every facet of American society there will be inevitable abuses of power on a scale consistent with the worst kinds of third-world cesspools.  Positions of authority requiring a high level of decorum are now being populated with low-IQ, impulse driven adolescents trapped inside adult bodies.  It’s a bad look, but also a poisonous condition for fairness or justice.  DEI strikes again, and the lowest common denominator continues to cut in line ahead of people with much greater merit and far better aptitude.   

Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States

Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming


June 26, 2024

In a recent interview with Clayton Morris on Redacted, US Border Patrol agent turned filmmaker, J.J. Carrell, discussed his new documentary and the fact that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents.

“And there's detention facility bids. Bids to build individual detention facilities in every state in the Union. And then she goes on to say to me, well, who do you think they're built for? And she says, in this interview, they’re for dissidents. American dissidents." ~ J.J. Carrell

The FEMA camps were reported decades ago. This was never an outrageous conspiracy theory. The US government has been framing American patriots as the enemy for decades. And the reason should be obvious, those who have been in control of the US government for generations have no interest in serving the people in accordance to the Constitution or otherwise. Our country is being destroyed from within and the rule of law has been weaponized against those who defend it.

Hundreds of innocent Americans have been arrested and thrown in jail because they chose to peacefully protest the 2020 stolen election. And others such as Jeremy Brown, a Green Beret who was approached in late 2020 by Federal agents trying to recruit him for the Jan 6 false flag operation, was arrested after going public with this information by the same Federal agents. He was put in maximum security prison where he remains to this day, his one-thousandth day in Federal prison.

Hundreds of innocent Americans have been in jail for years. And several have been tortured. Much of America is okay with the fact that hundreds are rotting in jail for a peaceful protest. It’s already become the norm. While it’s definitely worth celebrating the release of Julian Assange, the American people have never been more divided.

The Daily Mail reports that “more than 40 per cent of Americans think a new civil war will be fought within the next decade.” According to one poll, “more than four-in-ten US voters say the country is likely to get ripped apart in a second civil war within five years.” And another shows that over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming.

Based on the recommendation of think tank, Policy Horizons, Canada has been preparing for an American civil war including cyber-attacks and grid failures following the 2024 presidential election.

The soldiers of the New World Order are not going to die easy. They are apparently willing to spark a nuclear conflict with Russia and are already writing new laws to bring back the draft.

So women have never been required to register for the draft. But that could soon change thanks to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.” “Martha, good morning. The Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which sets out military national security priorities, would require women to register for selective service. It concludes, quote, ‘this is a necessary and fair step, making it possible to draw on the talent of a unified nation in a time of national emergency.’ Now, there are two different versions of this bill, one in the House one in the Senate, so it's possible women in the draft could get dropped as lawmakers iron out the differences.” ~ FOX NEWS

So while women may get dropped from this bill, our government is bringing back the draft while provoking a major war with Russia. They have their bunkers and they’ve already jailed hundreds for protesting an election, so they’ll definitely jail draft dodgers and everyone else who stands in their way. Unless we unite against them.

Can’t make this stuff up …

June 25, 2024

GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists

via The Publica

A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists.

The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures.

Confused and alone, the girl was defenseless against the first mob of four predators.

The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state.

Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses.

The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her.

Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police.

A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body.

Five of the men were in possession of German passports, while the remainder were not citizens of Germany. Among those charged, none were of German heritage. The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin. The men had a team of 20 defense attorneys arguing their innocence.

Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp, but the videos were deleted before the case could be heard in court. Witnesses who did see the footage before its deletion did testify that it depicted clear sexual assault, with one noting that the girl had been holding her hands over her head in a protective position.

During the trial, the victim, who now suffers from PTSD as a result of the night of abuse, was called upon to speak about what happened to her. While she recounted her horrific ordeal, the men showed “no signs of remorse” and at least one is said to have almost fallen asleep during proceedings.

However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.

The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the lenient sentences given to the rapists. As a result, one of the men had his identity and phone number circulated on Snapchat by furious sleuths.

Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”

The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages.

The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists. In court, the woman apologized for her remarks, saying she acted out of a “reflex” upon hearing the sickening details of the case.

But, according to the Hamburger Abendblatt, this woman is not the only person who could be facing a conviction for insulting the rapists.

Authorities in Hamburg are reportedly investigating 140 people for offenses related to issuing “insult, threats, or other detriment” towards the Stadtpark predators.

Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World

June 23, 2024

by Paul Craig Roberts

Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?

Depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many people today, because they no longer have the cultural knowledge gained from familiarity with their classic literature and religion which teaches how to deal with the challenges of life and how to grapple with inner demons. This knowledge has been lost. It has been excised from education as outdated, racist, not inclusive, judgmental, and white.

Hanne Herland reminds us of the importance of culture to survival and a moral life. She gives us hope for our revival by pointing out that Russia is again Christian despite decades of enforced communist atheism, which was also enforced on Americans by liberals and Jews. For example, no prayers in school, no Christian symbols in public places. https://hannenabintuherland.com/usa/how-atheist-marxism-created-religious-revival-in-russia-wnd/

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, was a hero in America as a Soviet dissident until his speech at Harvard University at which he said that “men have forgotten God,” and that this forgetfulness is the explanation for the numerous crises and social and personal maladies of our time.

Instantly, Solzhenitsyn became person non grata.

If you are a Christian, a real one and not a worshipper of Israel, you can understand what has happened to us in terms of Satan squeezing the good out of Western civilization and replacing it with evil.

When I challenge this thought, I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians.

It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war.

It is Washington and its EU Empire.

If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world.

Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.They do not understand that they are confronting evil with whom no negotiations are possible.

This means that the halting, hesitant, insufficient responses of Russia, China, and Iran to evil are too weak to be effective.

The liberals, the left-wing, the Woke are the ones who destroyed the cultural knowledge of the West, thereby depriving the people of the ability to confront evil. For the liberal-left-Woke destroyers of civilization, spiritual evil is incomprehensible. For them the only evils are Trump, “white racism” and “Putin’s aggression.”

In the liberal-left-Woke matrix there are no other evils.

The West no longer rests on a Western culture. It rests on sexual perversion and the promotion by governments, corporations, and universities of transgenderism and critical race theory. Western nations have been replaced with Sodom and Gomorrahs and towers of babel. Enemies are necessary to justify the US military/security complex’s massive budget and power. The more enemies the larger the budget and power.

There is not much more hope in American conservatives than there is in the liberal-left-Woke contingent. Conservatives confuse their country with the government. As Albert Jay Nock and Thomas Jefferson clearly explained, the two are entirely different. But it is an important distinction that is over the heads of many conservatives.

Solzhenitsyn told us that when respect for religion, traditional values, family, and religious faith are stripped from a society, society has been disarmed and no protection remains against the triumph of evil. As the liberal-left-Woke contingent has stripped away these protections, evil is now the dominant power in the Western World.

Russia, China and Iran do not confront Western governments capable of reason. They confront unbridled evil.

Putin puzzles why the West is so unreasonable. The answer is that evil is unreasonable. You cannot make a deal with it.

God’s Chosen People

June 20, 2024

Water in Jabaliya is hard to come by and mixed with sewage. Here, people wait for hours and receive just one gallon of contaminated water. (screenshot)

The Jewish Power Party says the party is committed to the annexation of Gaza for Jewish settlement as soon as the Palestinians “voluntarily migrate,” an euphemism for being expelled by violence.

Have you ever wondered why God chose a Satanic people as his own?

VDH: How Left-Wing Conspiracies Work

June 18, 2024

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness

Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies – beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas.

We now know that the conspiracy to cook up the Russian-collusion hoax – Donald Trump allegedly conniving with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 vote – was perpetrated by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Its funding was hidden by the Democratic National Committee, the law firm Perkins Coie, and Fusion GPS.

The Russian “disinformation” laptop hoax – the notion that the same Russians four years later created a fake Hunter Biden laptop to smear the Biden family on the eve of the first 2020 debate – was jumpstarted by the Biden campaign’s then-chief foreign policy advisor, current Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

There was never much evidence that a wayward bat or pangolin in a meat market birthed the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the efforts of China, Western and international health officials, and Dr. Fauci’s health bureaucrats to spread that lie.

The January 6th riot was certainly wrong and buffoonish. But the idea that it was an insurrection aiming to violently overthrow the U.S. government was also a left-wing myth fueled by the Democratic House leadership and the media.

All these schemes have their commonalities:

1) They are aimed at achieving political objectives.

False claims of Russian collusion likely drained millions of votes from the 2016 Trump candidacy.

A later conservative poll found that Russian disinformation may have swung enough voters to ensure a 2020 Trump loss. It certainly saved Joe Biden in the first debate when he faced the American people and flat-out lied about the laptop, quoting “experts” that his own team had rounded up to legitimize his obvious untruths.

The last thing the global health community wanted was to confront China about its culpability for killing millions worldwide. And what the Fauci health conglomerate most feared was the airing of the truth that U.S. “scientists” had helped fund and enhance quite-dangerous, understandably-outlawed, viral gain-of-function research at a Chinese lab soon to be run by the People’s Liberation Army. These functionaries’ clear hatred of President Trump was a subtext to their distortions and lies that only a complete shut-down of the U.S. economy could save America from millions of unnecessary deaths. In other words, for well over two years, anyone who dared suggest a laboratory origin for COVID was pilloried, while the accusers privately knew that it was likely true and that they were complicit.

The January 6th myth—that conservatives were violent insurrectionaries—led to the greatest militarization of Washington, DC, since the Civil War. Barbed wire and fencing around all the major tourist spots helped advance the myth of a besieged nation that Joe Biden, that old moderate, would heal from the existential threats birthed by the soon-to-be-impeached-twice Donald Trump.

2) These conspiracies involved the most powerful U.S. government agencies.

James Comey’s FBI altered a FISA warrant. Comey himself misled the president of the United States, lying that the latter was not the target of an FBI investigation while leaking confidential, if not classified, documents. The FBI hired foreign national Christopher Steele to compile dirt on a presidential candidate. The FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andrew McCabe, and James Baker were knee-deep in efforts to leak the dossier and other disinformation to ensure Trump was not elected. The CIA’s John Brennan and the Department of Justice’s Loretta Lynch were well aware of their own agencies’ involvement in fueling the slander.

Fifty-one former “intelligence authorities” brazenly lied in 2020 when they signed a letter claiming that the Biden laptop—then in the possession of the FBI, which knew of its authenticity—had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Grandee signatories like James Clapper, John Brennan, Michael Hayden, and Leon Panetta had no evidence that the laptop had anything to do with the Russians. Lots of contacts in the FBI confirmed that it did not. Yet they signed their names and, in doing so, ruined their former agencies’ credibility, all for the short-term agenda of getting Joe Biden elected.

From 2020 to 2023, at the height of the pandemic, the main players in the U.S. health apparat—the NIH, the CDC, and the NIAID—all created narratives that were obvious lies, or at least had no evidence to sustain them. There was never clear-cut evidence for the bat/pangolin theory of COVID genesis, for state-imposed mass masking and social distancing as scientifically-proven effective tools to control the pandemic, for the assurance that a national quarantine would do far less damage than the virus, and for the idea that experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccinations and their serial boosters in the long term would prevent the vaccinated from being either infected or infectious.

The reaction to the January 6th riot was likely politicized by the Speaker of the House, the Pentagon and the Capitol Police on the theory that the small number of violent rioters, if left to run amok and then severely punished after show trials in federal courts, would do lasting damage to the conservative cause and Donald Trump in particular.

3) The media conspired with government agencies to spread the hoaxes.

On the eve of the 2016 election and in its aftermath, Buzzfeed, CNN, the Washington Post and other news outlets all rushed to leak the most salacious made-up smears from the Steele dossier, fed to them by the FBI and other government officials. Their unsourced yellow journalism soon ensured the ill-fated Mueller investigation that was designed, quite successfully, to derail or slow the early Trump administration agenda.

In 2020, top members of the FBI partnered with social media companies, especially Twitter and Facebook, to censor news that contradicted the yarn that the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

While Anthony Fauci and his team, along with officials at the CDC and NIH, were furiously corresponding to tamp down any suggestion of a lab-leak origin for COVID or that their own policies were scientifically unproven, the media was fed their heroic stories and spread them as gospel.

As a result, the nation was assured that Fauci et al. stood for “science,” and their skeptics were little more than ultra-MAGA, Trumpist yahoos. The old time-tested, safe, and life-saving Ivermectin, well aside from the debate over its actual efficacy in treating COVID, was rendered a dangerous “horse dewormer,” while the mRNA vaccines were deemed perfectly safe for young, healthy men, despite being in little danger from COVID but susceptible to vaccination-caused myocarditis.

So effective were our bureaucrats in using the media in their propaganda that ancient canons of medical science—viruses can indeed provide valuable natural immunity; vaccines are of only temporary efficacy against the quickly-mutating coronaviruses; complete nationwide quarantines would lead to untenable social, economic, and political damage; viral pandemics are unlikely to be of direct animal origin if the virus has never been observed in an animal prior to human infections, etc.—were often mocked as self-interested pseudoscience.

The media ensured that reports of numerous FBI informants present on January 6 were suppressed. They also smothered evidence that the loaded January 6th congressional committee was manipulating evidence, suppressing testimonies, and deliberately not interviewing inconvenient witnesses.

Instead, the media ran with wild lies of violent and often-armed “insurrectionists” who had long planned a systematic takeover and who had succeeded in killing “five law enforcement officers” (only one, Brian Sicknick, died—a day later on January 7, from natural causes). The media smeared the name and reputation of the unarmed Ashli Babbitt, killed while going through a broken window into the Capitol, and then hid the name of the Capitol Police officer who had lethally shot her.

4) Few, if any, in the media or the government were ever punished for their conspiracies to create and spread such complete fabrications.

Few at CNN who spread the Russian collusion lie were ever permanently punished. No Pulitzer Prizes for such false coverage were revoked. James Comey (claiming amnesia 245 times while under congressional oath), James Clapper (previously lying under congressional oath), John Brennan (previously lying twice while under congressional oath), and Andrew McCabe (lying repeatedly to federal investigators) were never formally charged—unlike those who went to jail after falsely being indicted for collusion. All instead used their liberal notoriety to land lucrative network consultantships or book deals—and to persist in the Russian collusion hoax.

None of the 51 intelligence authorities who lied to the nation and thereby helped warp an election have ever retracted their statements, much less apologized. All knew then, and are currently without a doubt after the conviction of Hunter Biden, that his laptop and contents were not just authentic but proven to be so by the FBI. Barring apologies, the assumption remains that they believe their misinformation and disinformation led to the election of Joe Biden and, thus, that their noble ends were properly justified by any means necessary.

Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Fauci and his lieutenants, Peter Daszak and a string of others have never been formally disciplined for their efforts to spread misinformation that likely contributed to tens of thousands of deaths from the unwarranted national lockdowns. Even to this day, Dr. Fauci insists U.S. funding for Wuhan had nothing to do with gain-of-function research and still does not concede that it is almost certain that the virus originated in the lab.

*  *  *

From the above, we can assume that conspiracies successfully achieve left-wing goals.

The hoaxes are used by bureaucracies against conservatives and Republican candidates. They are spread like wildfire by a corrupt media and, when exposed and refuted, rarely lead to legal culpability or disgrace rather than publicity-driven lucrative post-scandal employment.

One chief common trait is projection. By accusing others of high crimes and misdemeanors, the conspirators become exempt from criminal charges.

Hillary Clinton and her campaign were never charged with illegally hiring a foreign national to draw on Russian sources to smear their 2016 campaign opponent.

The Biden campaign was never held accountable for conspiring to organize so-called retired intelligence experts to formally lie to the American people to influence an election.

High officials of the U.S. government lied under oath with impunity about their role in funding gain-of-function research after conspiring to circumvent U.S. law prohibiting such research.

U.S. elected and bureaucratic officials deliberately suppressed the use of law enforcement on January 6 despite the ensuing lax security, warped a U.S. House committee investigation, and used the Washington D.C. court system to convict hundreds for dubious crimes in order to use their convictions and prison terms for political agendas.

No wonder, then, that we should expect some sort of similar hoax to arise before the 2024 election. Do not be surprised when told of a “secret” Trump plan uncovered to round up critics in 2025 and send them to “camps,” or lurid revelations about “evidence” that Trump is in worse physical and mental shape than is a debilitated Biden, or some fantastic MAGA plot to implement “voter suppression,” or allegations that the Trump campaign’s “dark money” involves “collusion,” “disinformation,” and “sinister foreign actors.”

When we hear such things in the months to come, remember that these mythologies are usually a warning: what the left is alleging is, quite often, precisely what the left is already doing.

Exporting Poverty to the West, continued …

Zionist Occupied Government

Rep. Thomas Massie: Every GOP Congressman Has An “AIPAC Babysitter”

By Chuck Baldwin
June 13, 2024

To subscribe to Chuck Baldwin’s newsletter at no cost, click here.

Those Christians and conservatives who pooh-pooh Israel’s dominance and control over our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C., are willfully ignorant. They say it isn’t true, not because it isn’t true, but because they don’t want to admit that it’s true. Well, it IS true. And everyone inside the Beltway and the New York media empire knows it’s true.

In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) told Carlson the painful truth of this act of treason on Capitol Hill. Here is a snippet of that interview posted by Chris Menahan at InformationLiberation.com:

“Everybody but me has an AIPAC person — like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC,” Massie said. “They’re probably a constituent from your district but they’re firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

“Every member has something like this?” Tucker Carlson asked.

“Every Repub–, I don’t know how it works on the Democrat side, but that’s how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they’ve got your cell number and you have conversations with them.”

“That’s crazy,” Carlson responded.

“So, I’ve had four members of Congress say, ‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC person’ — that’s literally what we call them, ‘my AIPAC guy,’” Massie said, laughing. “‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC guy and see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.’”

“Why have I never heard this before?” Carlson said.

“It doesn’t benefit anybody,” Massie said, “why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who is representing a foreign country, it doesn’t benefit the congressmen for people to know that so they’re not going to tell you that.”

Massie told Carlson no other country does this: “Not only do they not have a Putin guy, they don’t have a Britain guy, they don’t have an Australian guy, they don’t have a Germany dude, it’s the only country that does this!”

Menahan then notes:

Carlson for some reason feigned ignorance about all this and went on a tangent about how much he loves the country of Israel.

Feigned ignorance is right. Carlson is extremely informed about Washington politics, and it stretches credulity to think that he would be ignorant of the AIPAC “babysitters” on Capitol Hill. I’ve known about it since at least 2008. Carlson is NOT that ignorant. Obviously, Carlson, too, is intimidated by the Israeli lobby.

Massie said he didn’t know how it works on the Democrat side of the aisle. He was being coy. He knows that it works the exact same way for the Democrats in Congress as it does for the Republicans in Congress.

Former Democrat Congressman from Ohio James Traficant was not shy about publicly blowing the whistle on the way AIPAC intimidated and bribed members of Congress to always vote for Israeli interests—or else! And no one will ever convince me that Traficant died in a freak “accident” on his farm. The “or else” part of AIPAC’S threat visited Traficant; of that, I am positive.

Former Democrat Congresswoman from Georgia Cynthia McKinney said the same thing. I heard her say it in public several times, and she repeated it to me in even greater detail when she and I had a couple of opportunities to talk privately.

According to Cynthia, every member of Congress (regardless of party) is paid a visit by an AIPAC representative shortly after the congressman gets to Washington and is handed a piece of paper to sign which basically says, “You will pledge to support Israel, ‘or else.’”

Cynthia tore up the paper and kicked the AIPAC guy out of her office. Her “or else” was that AIPAC would give millions of dollars to her opponents in her future re-election campaigns in order to remove her from office. After two defeats, AIPAC succeeded, and Cynthia was removed from Congress.

One or the other “or else” will happen to every member of Congress who tries to buck AIPAC. And remember that AIPAC is only one of scores of Israeli lobby groups in Washington.

When someone talks about “that’s the way it works in Washington,” THIS is the way it works in Washington.

So, when I say that the Israeli lobby controls Congress, I’m not making it up.

Still not convinced? Watch this brief AIPAC X post dated June 5, 2024, where AIPAC boasts of being 67 out of 67 in pro-Israel Democrats winning their primary elections this cycle.

Remember, our congressmen take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. They are charged with the solemn duty of honestly representing our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the people in the district that voted them into Congress. In other words, they have a sworn duty to protect and defend the interests of AMERICA.

But here we have an arm of a foreign government—only ONE foreign government, Israel, and they are not even required to register as foreign agents as do lobbyists from every other foreign country—being given a free hand to bribe, bully, coerce, cajole, intimidate and DEMAND that our congressmen and senators put the interests of that foreign government, Israel, FIRST in the way they cast their votes and in their public speeches, statements, position papers, etc.

Here’s the bottom line: Except for a very few congressmen and senators, such as conservative Republican Congressman Thomas Massie and liberal Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, the U.S. Congress in both chambers and from both parties are dominated and controlled by a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT: the Zionist government of Israel.

Little wonder that House Speaker Michael Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer invited the international war criminal and mass murderer Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak for a record fourth time before a joint session of Congress on July 24. They are compliantly reassuring Netanyahu that they are still his loyal little lackeys.

P.S. The local daily newspaper here in Flathead County, Montana, is conducting its annual “Best Of” poll. I am seeking the support of YOU, my readers.

I do this NOT for the sake of popularity. You read my columns; and if you have ever heard me speak, you KNOW I couldn’t care less about how many people like me or hate me. I am dedicated to the truth. I put my life and treasure on the line every time I speak. My motto is this quote from John Quincy Adams:

Duty is ours; results are God’s.

I ask for your help because I care about the message of truth that I deliver. The other pastors and churches receiving votes mostly support Zionist ideology and theology, Covid lockdowns, state-created and IRS-regulated non-profit organizations posing as “churches,” perpetual foreign wars, Scofield Futurism and Prophetic Dispensationalism—and oppose the truth of the New Covenant Gospel and Kingdom.

Liberty Fellowship and I are constantly being marginalized and maligned by both the political and religious establishments, because we stand in opposition to the avant-garde false doctrines flowing from most pulpits and the unconstitutional conduct emanating from most politicians. Every time we finish high in this poll, it sends a strong message to these ensconced insiders that they DON’T own the narrative yet, that there are still thousands of people who support the Natural Law principles of liberty, individualism, peace, republicanism, laissez-faire economics and Christ’s New Covenant Kingdom—and who reject the counterfeit lawless state of Zionist Israel.

Therefore, I ask for your vote in this poll. This is the final and deciding vote, so please vote now, while it’s fresh in your mind. You’ll need to provide your email address the first time you vote, but after that, it won’t be needed.

Vote for Chuck Baldwin as Best Pastor here.

Vote for Liberty Fellowship as Best Church here.

Also please vote for Dr. Annie Bukacek as Best Family Physician. Dr. Annie is not only the face of the pro-life movement in Montana, but she is also at the tip of the spear in opposing the Climate Change tyranny being advanced here in Montana (and throughout the United States). She was the FIRST physician to publicly expose the phony Covid narrative back in 2020. She is hated by the media, medical and political establishments. Awarding Dr. Annie with a first-place finish sends a STRONG message to the liberal elite that the principles for which she fights are NOT going away and that there are still thousands of people who share these historic, God-given principles.


Chuck Baldwin

The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work

If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

By Victor Davis Hanson

June 10, 2024

Do not expect the radical left to survey the wreckage of socialism and communism in history and accept that statism impoverishes people and erodes their freedoms. There will never be admissions by our elite that progressivism exists mainly for the acquisition of power by the utopian and virtue-signaling few, who ensure that they are never subject to the baleful implementation of their ideological agendas on the rest of us.

Still, leftists look around at what they have done to America in the last four years and implicitly know that the plan did not work, the people detested it, or both.

How do we know this? By a variety of barometers.

None of the major Biden “achievements”—10 million illegal aliens across a nonexistent border, key components of the cost of living 25-30 percent higher than in 2020, wars and chaos abroad, DEI racial and tribal obsessions, wars on fossil fuels—poll at even 40-45 percent. Biden’s own approval ratings, as the nominal architect of the most left-wing agenda since the Roosevelt administration, hover between 36 and 34 percent.

But most importantly, the left is not running on its record of the last three-and-a-half years but instead studiously ignoring it, at least temporarily through November. Suddenly, we aren’t hearing so much about cancelling pipelines and freezing federal oil leases, or so much demonization of the “greedy” oil companies. Instead, Biden is further draining the strategic petroleum reserve and begging OPEC in general and the no-longer-demonized Saudi Arabia in particular to pump oil as fast as possible.

We were lied to for nearly four years that the border was “secure,” as 10 million foreign nationals flooded across. Then we were told Biden was helpless to stop the deluge since he had no legal right to enforce federal immigration law through executive orders—a ridiculous excuse that even he would soon drop. Despite their eagerness for new constituencies, no one on the left dares to openly praise the influx of the last four years, much less demand more illegal immigration.

Instead, as November looms, Biden is suddenly reinstating the very Trump executive orders that once, despite deep state and court obstruction, finally closed the border—and which Biden himself had originally overturned. Note that Biden is now partnering with the Mexican government—which terribly fears another Trump presidency endangering Mexico’s annual $60 billion in remittances from mostly illegal aliens in the United States—to curb some of the illegal immigration before the November election.

The administration’s pandering at election time is a de facto admission that its agendas did not work, permanently alienated the people they hurt, and are now being forgotten or reversed—albeit temporarily—to retain power at all costs.

Few on the left praise the disastrous COVID lockdown, the canonization of Dr. Fauci, the mask and social-distancing craze, and the gospel that endless boosters were necessary to protect Americans. Even the left, although again quietly, assumes that the lockdowns did more damage than the virus, that Dr. Fauci repeatedly lied when he swore he did not subsidize gain-of-function viral research at the Chinese top-security virology lab at Wuhan, and that the virus came not from the lab but from a wandering pangolin or errant bat.

Biden and his supporters are no longer blaming or firing the police but rather trying (albeit quietly) to get more law-enforcement officers to serve—given the predictable crime wave that followed the George Floyd riots.

Ditto for all the left-wing hysterias of the last eight years. No one any longer claims that Christopher Steele’s dossier was factual. No one insists that Hunter Biden’s laptop was likely “Russian disinformation”, or that “Anonymous” was a courageous “top-ranking” administration official. All these hysterias, it is tacitly admitted, were cooked-up left-wing canards to emasculate the Trump candidacy and presidency.

Outside of politics, leftists are quiet as their failed bromides are being undone. The idea of the FBI partnering with social media to suppress politically-dangerous news is something the left is not eager to repeat.

The same recognition is beginning to apply to the lawfare waged against Donald Trump. Jack Smith’s crusade to get Trump is undermined by prosecutorial misbehavior concerning the evidence seized at Mar-a-Lago and by the asymmetrical treatment by another special counsel accorded Biden in comparison with Trump. Smith’s efforts to speed up the trial before the election only made his persecution more politically transparent.

Fani Willis’s outrageous behavior will likely delay indefinitely her weaponized indictments. The James and Bragg convictions will likely be overturned and were intended mostly to embarrass Trump, bankrupt him, and harm his presidential campaign.

All of the left’s once-grandiose ideas of packing the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster, admitting two new states to win four more liberal senators, and destroying the Electoral College have little public support and will go nowhere. Corporations like Disney, Target, and Anheuser-Busch have all begun backtracking on their money-losing, market-share-eroding woke/DEI agendas.

Universities are terrified that their endowment income is either static or in decline, given a rising drop-off in public and alumni giving. They know their race-based, non-meritocratic admissions and hiring are increasingly destroying their brand names. To accommodate their new non-meritocratic student bodies, they have variously inflated their grades to the point of parody, watered down work requirements, or introduced gut courses—and as a result, they are quickly losing their once-coveted prestige. Some campuses are already reinstating the SAT and ACT requirements that were thrown out in 2020-21 in the hysteria that followed the death of George Floyd. Harvard and Stanford aren’t boasting that the erasure of the SAT created a more competitive student body and raised standards to new levels.

The twin ideas of foreign-funded Middle-Eastern-studies centers and of admitting tens of thousands of affluent, full-tuition-paying Middle-Eastern students led to institutionalized anti-Semitism on campus and eliminationist rhetoric right out the old Klan playbook. The appeasement by university presidencies only whets the appetites of those who unlawfully occupy, vandalize, deface, and disrupt. Their pro-terrorist chants and emblems are bleeding the universities of billions of dollars in lost donations.

In short, the policies that the left has given us over the last years—hyperinflation, spiking staple and gas prices, racial and tribal chauvinism, dangerous streets, an emasculated and politicized military, and wars abroad—did not work, and are now being masked to retain power, put on hold, or even reversed.

The reasons for the failure are ancient, given that socialism and progressivism are contrary to human nature.

Borders are essential to national sovereignty and confidence and delineate the unique values, traditions, and customs of a people, without which they revert to mere tribes without social commonalities and political cohesion. No society can pick and choose which national laws are enforced and which ignored—and still remain a nation of laws.

People obey laws because, in a cost-benefit analysis, they fear the consequences of lawbreaking. Otherwise, the laws of the wild prevail and the strongest dictate to the weaker. Citizens must be discouraged, not encouraged, from favoring their own tribe and race, tribalism being the oldest of human biases. Money is not a construct but represents the real value of capital and labor and cannot be printed into national wealth. Abroad, most nations are illiberal and their aggressiveness is deterred only through guarantees that they will lose more than they will gain through war.

We sometimes forget all that unpleasant human baggage, due to irrelevant distractions, or the utopianism that is the handmaiden of affluence and leisure. Often, the opulence and freedom arising from free-market economies and limited constitutional government create so much prosperity and liberty that its beneficiaries believe such good fortune to be their natural and commonplace birthright and so begin destroying the very system that blessed them.

But if Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

The Death of Truth Is at Hand

by Paul Craig Roberts

June 5, 2024

June is upon us which brings my quarterly request for readers’ support of this website.

Day by day it is becoming more difficult and more risky to provide information that differs from the official narratives. Websites are finding that payment mechanisms, such as PayPal and Stripe, and banks refuse to process donations to their sites. Others, such as Vdare are being driven into bankruptcy by quota hire NY prosecutors. Alex Jones’ operation is again under assault. Tucker Carlson was driven from Fox News. Google increasingly hides unwelcome information.

And now we witness a former US Marine, intelligence officer, and UN weapons inspector pulled off an international flight and his passport stolen by police “on orders by the US Department of State.” Scott Ritter was on his way to Russia to speak at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Ritter is an active source of what the conflict in Ukraine is really about and how it is widening into a wider and more dangerous conflict. Being yanked off a flight and his passport taken is the Biden regime’s way of sending him a message to get onboard with the narrative.

Note that the State Department’s orders to the police are unconstitutional and probably illegal. The First Amendment to the US Constitution protects freedom of speech, press, and assembly and the Fourth Amendment prevents unreasonable searches and seizures. It has become a hallmark of the US government to act as it pleases regardless of the US Constitution. The Constitution stands as a barrier to weaponized law. Therefore, the Constitution is ignored.

In today’s America coercion rules not only from government but also from corporations, universities, public schools, media, foundations such as Clooney’s which has undertaken the suppression of those who provide truthful accounts on the Russian front. Use the wrong pronoun, refuse to take the Covid vax, promote too many white people and your employer fires you. Universities and public schools are anti-white indoctrination centers. Parents who complain at school board meetings about their kids being taught that they are racists and born into the wrong body are put on FBI watch lists. Trump supporters who attended a rally are imprisoned as “insurrectionists.” The media protects official lies by demonizing truth-tellers. Attorneys are becoming afraid to defend a demonized defendant. The message has been delivered loud and clear that a person’s success depends on his support for the official narratives. We have reached the point where speaking the truth is beginning to be criminalized.

It is certainly the case that telling the truth and providing analysis based on facts is no way to make a living. Indeed, it marginalizes you. I used to write editorials for the Wall Street Journal and had a prominent column. Today my former newspaper is off limits to me, as is the rest of the TV and print media. Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Chris Hedges, Tucker Carlson have been exiled from official media.

Justice has disappeared from the United States. No defendant, innocent or guilty, believes it is possible to be tried fairly in an American court. This is why 97% of defendants self-incriminate with a “plea bargain” to avoid the severe risks of trial. Jurors no longer comprehend that their function is to protect law as a shield of the people, not to validate its use as a weapon in the hands of the state. That President Trump is facing four criminal indictments and four civil trials simultaneously is proof that no American is safe.

Every time I sit down to write I wonder about my place in the line and what the punishment will be and if truth is any longer effective. The only evidence I have that my efforts have value is reader support of the website.


Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Scholarship & Academia

Dr. Roberts has held academic appointments at Virginia Tech, Tulane University, University of New Mexico, Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution, George Mason University where he had a joint appointment as professor of economics and professor of business administration, and Georgetown University where he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

He has contributed chapters to numerous books and has published many articles in journals of scholarship, including the Journal of Political Economy, Oxford Economic Papers, Journal of Law and Economics, Studies in Banking and Finance, Journal of Monetary Economics, Public Choice, Classica et Mediaevalia, Ethics, Slavic Review, Soviet Studies, Cardoza Law Review, Rivista de Political Economica, and Zeitschrift fur Wirtschafspolitik. He has entries in the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Economics and the New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance.

He has contributed to Commentary, The Public Interest, The National Interest, Policy Review, National Review, The Independent Review, Harper’s, the New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Fortune, London Times, The Financial Times, TLS, The Spectator, The International Economy, Il Sole 24 Ore, Le Figaro, Liberation, and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. He has testified before committees of Congress on 30 occasions.


Dr. Roberts was associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service. He was a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles. In 1992 he received the Warren Brookes Award for Excellence in Journalism. In 1993 the Forbes Media Guide ranked him as one of the top seven journalists in the United States.

Public Service

President Reagan appointed Dr. Roberts Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and he was confirmed in office by the U.S. Senate. From 1975 to 1978, Dr. Roberts served on the congressional staff where he drafted the Kemp-Roth bill and played a leading role in developing bipartisan support for a supply-side economic policy. After leaving the Treasury, he served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Letter from Ronald Reagan to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Dr. Roberts was president of the Inlet Beach Water Company, president of Economic & Communication Services, advisor to J.P. Morgan asset management, advisor to Tiedemann-Goodnow, advisor to Lazard Freres Asset Management, and a member of corporate and financial boards.


Dr. Roberts’ latest books are The Empire of Lies, The Neoconservative Threat To World Order, How America Was Lost, and The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism. These books have had English, German, French, Czech, Chinese, Korean editions and a forthcoming Russian edition of How America Was Lost. In January, 2010, CounterPunch /AK Press published How the Economy Was Lost. The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with IPE Fellow Lawrence Stratton, was published by Prima Publishing in May 2000. A new edition, now in a second printing, was published by Crown Publishing Group, a division of Randon House, in 2008. Chile: Two Visions—The Allende-Pinochet Era, co-authored with IPE Fellow Karen Araujo, was published in Spanish by Universidad Nacional Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile, in November 2000. The Capitalist Revolution in Latin America, co-authored with IPE Fellow Karen LaFollette Araujo, was published by Oxford University Press in 1997. A Spanish language edition was published by Oxford in 1999. The New Color Line: How Quotas and Privilege Destroy Democracy, co-authored with IPE Fellow Lawrence Stratton, was published by Regnery in 1995. A paperback edition was published in 1997. Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, co-authored with IPE Fellow Karen LaFollette, was published by the Cato Institute in 1990. Harvard University Press published Roberts’ book, The Supply-Side Revolution, in 1984. Widely reviewed and favorably received, the book was praised by Forbes as “a timely masterpiece that will have real impact on economic thinking in the years ahead.” Dr. Roberts is the author of Alienation and the Soviet Economy, published in 1971 and republished in 1990. He is coauthor with Matthew Stephenson of Marx’s Theory of Exchange, Alienation and Crisis, published in 1973 by the Hoover Institution Press and republished in 1983 by Praeger Publishing. A Spanish language edition was published in 1974 in Madrid by Union Editorial.


The Trump Trial and Our Injustice System

by Ron Paul, MD

The Ron Paul institute

June 4, 2024

I’ve long criticized our current US justice system – on all levels – as becoming much more about political justice than blind justice. The bizarre trial and conviction of former President Donald Trump last week on 34 felonies only reinforces my concerns.

The New York District Attorney, Soros-backed Alvin Bragg, has been notorious for downgrading felony charges against others to misdemeanor charges. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail, Bragg had downgraded 60 percent of felony cases to lesser charges, resulting in violent criminals being released on the streets and a crime wave across New York City.

But when it came to Donald Trump, Bragg lurched in the other direction, upgrading what normally would have been misdemeanor charges against anyone else to 34 felony charges against the former president. How can this sudden “about-face” be explained other than politics?

Jonathan Turley, who is no fan of Donald Trump, has been covering the trial closely and has found more than a little disturbing the exuberant celebrations of Trump’s conviction among the mainstream media and his political opponents. Recently, he wrote:

“The conviction of former President Donald Trump in Manhattan of 34 felonies produced citywide celebrations [which] extended to the media, where former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that it was ‘majestic day’ and ‘a day to celebrate.’ When I left the courthouse after watching the verdict come in, I was floored by the celebrations outside by both the public and some of the media.”

Regardless of one’s view of Donald Trump, it is a disturbing development in our society when justice is treated more like a football game where you root for your “team” rather than a way of preserving our freedom and liberty in an equal way for all.

The real goal of the trial was political. None other than George Soros’ son Alex let the cat out of the bag recently when he advised fellow Trump-haters how to take advantage of the trial result. He posted on Twitter after the verdict, “Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon at every opportunity. Repetition is the key to a successful message and we want people to wrestle with the notion of hiring a convicted felon for the most important job in the country!”

It was not about justice in any way. It was all about being able to call the likely Republican presidential nominee a “felon” so as to undermine his support among voters. In other words, election interference.

The market has a way of prevailing, however. The repeated attempts at using “lawfare” to remove Trump from the political scene have all backfired and actually have served to make the former president even more popular among voters. Immediately after Trump’s conviction on the 34 charges he began sending out fundraising appeals based on his “persecution” by the state of New York. As of this writing, he has, according to press reports, raised over $200 million for his campaign.

The politicization of justice is not limited to the Democratic Party. The wind sown by political opponents of Donald Trump may well become the whirlwind they reap when their own political opponents are in positions of power. When that is the case, we all lose.

Dr. Ron Paul is a former member of Congress and Distinguished Counselor to the Mises Institute.

The Camp of the Saints is here and now

by Paul Craig Roberts

June 3, 2024

Did you know that Boston, Massachusetts — Brahmin Boston — has a 36 year old Chinese woke female as mayor? What else do you need to know about the speed at which white America is disappearing?

As far as I can tell, there is no white anglo-saxon protestant male or female in any top position in the Biden regime. Wherever you look in America, you see “diversity” among mayors, state attorney generals, police chiefs, university presidents, corporate executives, government officials. Many of these officials have been brought up on propaganda that white people are racist exploiters. Can these diverse officials with powerful positions be relied upon to use their positions without discriminating against demonized white people?

Back to Mayor Wu. The British Daily Mail–apparently the US media avoid this type of news–reports that Mayor WU wants to follow San Francisco’s practice and decriminalize black crime. The woke mayor wants to exclude from criminal prosecution shoplifting, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, and distribution of drugs. Mayor Wu also wants the Boston police’s gang database closed. It is discriminatory to know who the criminals are. They are the wrong color.

Last Christmas Mayor Wu organized a Christmas party but only for non-whites.

There you have it. White America is already displaced. Who displaced it? The White morons themselves. They elected Wu, the San Francisco crazies, the New York ones, the Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, and Fulton County Georgia ones, and so on, and white people stood aside while Democrats stole elections. “Oh, we mustn’t say elections were stolen. That would reflect badly on our country.”

Why are white people motivated to defend Ukrainians and Israelis but not themselves?

How do we avoid the realization that white Americans are an unprotected species?


Zeitgeist; May 30, 2024

by The Antisoiler

The Swamp is a legal fiction.


Government is a tool used by parasites to feed off of the population.

We are told, that government is instituted among men, for the purpose of defending our lives, freedoms, and property.

However, government wants us to pay taxes, which is our property. If we refuse to pay those taxes, they want to put us in a cage, which is a restraint on our freedoms. If we oppose their attempts to cage us, they will kill us, which is a loss of our lives.

So, what government actually does, is it takes our property, takes our freedoms, and kills us. This is the exact opposite of what its stated purpose is.

A mature adult navigating its own life should not give up the ability to make life choices, especially to professional liars, thieves, and psychopaths.

Religious institutions are separate from God. Many people give up their authority to religious institutions in the same way that they do with governments.

Governments and religions are like life rafts for the fearful, ignorant, and dependent. There is a serious lack of introspection and knowledge throughout the population. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, right?

All governments are corrupt from their foundation. Mature adults do not need a government. Immature adults end up dead by their own doing. An armed society is a polite society, as it tends to provoke introspection before action.

Recall that the 1913 session of congress enacted the federal reserve act, and every congress since has been complicit in not stopping the corruption. The usury based monetary unit we use as a means of exchange, has propagated financial desperation nationally and globally. This desperation has provoked cruelty on a grand scale. **** rolls down hill. So does abuse.

Ever since the incorporation of the ten mile square called “District of Columbia”, which is listed as the definition for the words “United States” in federal codes, they have been committing constructive fraud on government documents that ask if you are a US citizen. This is then used as justification for treating you as if you are their employee/property/slave. At this point they just assume they can have their way with you. This means there are no legit constitutional protections by the courts, because there are no courts. There are only administrative bodies, enforcing corporate policy. Hence the policy enforcers, the police officers. Slight of hand, innuendo, lies, deception.

It is not a lack of god, because god has never left. It is the failure of each of us to change course. Everyone has participated in the present condition of our society.

Accountability starts with each of us, in every moment. You let a little corruption go, instead of nipping it in the bud, and then it will grow. Others will see how the game is being played, and operate the same way.  If the cop standing at the driver’s side window on the side of the road was instantly swarmed by tens, hundreds of passersby, who were prepared to put him down, how long would they keep trying that? God helps those who help themselves, right?

The Slow-Motion Execution of Julian Assange Continues

via: The Chris Hedges Report

The ruling by the High Court in London permitting Julian Assange to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point.


MAY 21, 2024

Dust to Dust – by Mr. Fish

The decision by the High Court in London to grant Julian Assange the right to appeal the order to extradite him to the United States may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. It does not mean Julian will elude extradition. It does not mean the court has ruled, as it should, that he is a journalist whose only “crime” was providing evidence of war crimes and lies by the U.S. government to the public. It does not mean he will be released from the high-security HMS Belmarsh prison where, as Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, after visiting Julian there, said he was undergoing a “slow-motion execution.”

It does not mean that journalism is any less imperiled. Editors and publishers of  five international media outlets —– The New York Times, the Guardian, Le Monde, El Pais and DER SPIEGEL —– which published stories based on documents released by WikiLeaks, have urged that the U.S. charges be dropped and Julian be released. None of these media executives were charged with espionage. It does not dismiss the ludicrous ploy by the U.S. government to extradite an Australian citizen whose publication is not based in the U.S. and charge him under the Espionage Act. It continues the long Dickensian farce that mocks the most basic concepts of due process.

This ruling is based on the grounds that the U.S. government did not offer sufficient assurances that Julian would be granted the same First Amendment protections afforded to a U.S. citizen, should he stand trial. The appeal process is one more legal hurdle in the persecution of a journalist who should not only be free, but feted and honored as the most courageous of our generation.  

Yes. He can file an appeal. But this means another year, perhaps longer, in harsh prison conditions as his physical and psychological health deteriorates. He has spent over five years in HMS Belmarsh without being charged. He spent seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy because the U.K. and Swedish governments refused to guarantee that he wouldn’t be extradited to the U.S., even though he agreed to return to Sweden to aid a preliminary investigation that was eventually dropped.

The judicial lynching of Julian was never about justice. The plethora of legal irregularities, including the recording of his meetings with attorneys by the Spanish security firm UC Global at the embassy on behalf of the CIA, alone should have seen the case thrown out of court as it eviscerates attorney-client privilege.

The U.S. has charged Julian with 17 acts under the Espionage Act and one count of computer misuse, for an alleged conspiracy to take possession of and then publish national defense information. If found guilty on all of these charges he faces 175 years in a U.S. prison.

The extradition request is based on the 2010 release by WikiLeaks of the Iraq and Afghanistan war logs — hundreds of thousands of classified documents, leaked to the site by Chelsea Manning, then an Army intelligence analyst, which exposed numerous U.S. war crimes including video images of the gunning down of two Reuters journalists and 10 other unarmed civilians in the Collateral Murder video, the routine torture of Iraqi prisoners, the covering up of thousands of civilian deaths and the killing of nearly 700 civilians that had approached too closely to U.S. checkpoints.

In February, lawyers for Julian submitted nine separate grounds for a possible appeal. 

A two-day hearing in March, which I attended, was Julian’s last chance to request an appeal of the extradition decision made in 2022 by the then British home secretary, Priti Patel, and of many of the rulings of District Judge Baraitser in 2021. 

The two High Court judges, Dame Victoria Sharp and Justice Jeremy Johnson, in March rejected most of Julian’s grounds of appeal. These included his lawyers’ contention that the UK-US extradition treaty bars extradition for political offenses; that the extradition request was made for the purpose of prosecuting him for his political opinions; that extradition would amount to retroactive application of the law — because it was not foreseeable that a century-old espionage law would be used against a foreign publisher; and that he would not receive a fair trial in the Eastern District of Virginia. The judges also refused to hear new evidence that the CIA plotted to kidnap and assassinate Julian, concluding — both perversely and incorrectly — that the CIA only considered these options because they believed Julian was planning to flee to Russia.

But the two judges determined Monday that it is “arguable” that a U.S. court might not grant Julian protection under the First Amendment, violating his rights to free speech as enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

The judges in March asked the U.S. to provide written assurances that Julian would be protected under the First Amendment and that he would be exempt from a death penalty verdict. The U.S. assured the court that Julian would not be subjected to the death penalty, which Julian’s lawyers ultimately accepted. But the Department of Justice was unable to provide an assurance that Julian could mount a First Amendment defense in a U.S. court. Such a decision is made in a U.S. federal court, their lawyers explained. 

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg, who is prosecuting Julian, has argued that only U.S. citizens are guaranteed First Amendment rights in U.S. courts. Kromberg has stated that what Julian published was “not in the public interest” and that the U.S. was not seeking his extradition on political grounds.

Free speech is a key issue. If Julian is granted First Amendment rights in a U.S. court it will be very difficult for the U.S. to build a criminal case against him, since other news organizations, including The New York Times and The Guardian, published the material he released. 

The extradition request is based on the contention that Julian is not a journalist and not protected under the First Amendment.

Julian’s attorneys and those representing the U.S. government have until May 24 to submit a draft order, which will determine when the appeal will be heard. 

Julian committed the empire’s greatest sin — he exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, routine violation of human rights, wanton killing of innocent civilians, rampant corruption and war crimes. Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Labour, Trump or Biden — it does not matter. Those who manage the empire use the same dirty playbook.

The publication of classified documents is not a crime in the United States, but if Julian is extradited and convicted, it will become one. 

Julian is in precarious physical and psychological health. His physical and psychological deterioration has resulted in a minor stroke, hallucinations and depression. He takes antidepressant medication and the antipsychotic quetiapine. He has been observed pacing his cell until he collapses, punching himself in the face and banging his head against the wall. He has spent weeks in the medical wing of Belmarsh, nicknamed “hell wing.” Prison authorities found half of a razor blade” hidden under his socks. He has repeatedly called the suicide hotline run by the Samaritans because he thought about killing himself “hundreds of times a day.” 

These slow-motion executioners have not yet completed their work. Toussaint L’Ouverture, who led the Haitian independence movement, the only successful slave revolt in human history, was physically destroyed in the same manner. He was locked by the French in an unheated and cramped prison cell and left to die of exhaustion, malnutrition, apoplexy, pneumonia and probably tuberculosis. 

Prolonged imprisonment, which the granting of this appeal perpetuates, is the point. The 12 years Julian has been detained — seven in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and over five in high-security Belmarsh Prison — have been accompanied by a lack of sunlight and exercise, as well as unrelenting threats, pressure, prolonged isolation, anxiety and constant stress. The goal is to destroy him.

We must free Julian. We must keep him out of the hands of the U.S. government. Given all he did for us, we owe him an unrelenting fight. 

If there is no freedom of speech for Julian, there will be no freedom of speech for us.

Concerned Citizen on X: “Twitter under Jack Dorsey took this video down. Hillary Clinton has to be the most corrupt women in politics. Someone brought the receipts.

When I wrote corrupt – I mean pure evil.

May 11, 2024

Patrick Lawrence: University—An Attack on Intelligence

May 9, 2024

Not in my lifetime,” I used to think when contemplating America’s decline and fall—a decline and fall I eagerly anticipate as a prelude to remaking our crumbly republic such that it stands for the ideals it professes to uphold but unreservedly ignores. Blind justice, disinterested leaders and institutions, tolerance of others, freedom of thought and speech, a Jeffersonian respect for reason and knowledge: Those who come after me will see the imperium’s collapse and will begin the work of restoration, but not I.

So I long assumed. And so does the pace of events suggest I may well be wrong. Things I used to think would take, maybe, 20 years now occur in five or six or seven. If I reckoned some turn of history’s wheel was a decade out, what do you know but that it now seems hard upon us.

Decline and fall. It is not pleasant to live in such a time as ours, but it is, as the Chinese are credited with saying (or was it the Arabs?) interesting. Let us not, as we accept our fate, lose sight of the optimism within the apparent pessimism.

On May 2 the House passed a bill that, broadly speaking, defines as “antisemitic” any criticism of Israel, or—heaven forbid!—disapproval of Israel as a “Jewish state.” The kookier House members have been trying to get this rationally disconnected piece of legislation to the floor for eight years. The House now sends the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the Senate on a 320–to–19 vote.

As if to second the House’s intent, President Biden announced, a May 7 event marking the Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual remembrance day, a series of new legal and administrative measures to counter the nonexistent crisis of antisemitism that now overtakes the U.S. the way a Communist takeover did in the 1950s. Will someone explain why we hear daily about all this antisemitism but cannot see anything of it more than the odd, unalarming case—the everyday here-and-there variety? Someone, anyone?

This is an assault on reason, language, law—and even that highest of American “values”—common sense. It is a sign of American weakness and further advances this weakness. I would ask what the people pushing this bill are thinking, but the question implies an assumption one ought not make.

On Monday an interesting new website called Zeteo published a letter 12 Republican senators signed and sent to the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, in response to the ICC’s reported-but-unconfirmed plans to serve various Israeli officials, among them Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with arrest warrants charging them with war crimes in Gaza. You have to read this to believe it, and you can do so here. “Target Israel and we will target you,” the letter reads. “If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.”

And then the much-remarked punchline: “You have been warned.”

Think about this. This missive is an outright rejection of international law. At the same time, we see in it an imperium that broods in a defensive crouch, waging rearguard actions as 21st century realities arrive. There are only 12 signatories, and they include such Ciceros as Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. But do not kid yourself: Their letter reflects a strong and prevalent current of opinion in Washington—even, I would say, among Democrats such as Chris Van Hollen, who thought the letter, if not its sentiments, “thuggery befitting the Mafia.”

What strikes me most of all about the senators’ letter is this: Those purporting to lead this nation are very little interested any longer, if they are interested at all, in what the rest of the world thinks of America—or even what Americans think of America. Power is all the late-phase imperium has left to rely upon. And power alone in any of its three principal forms—military power, coercion, and bribery—is not fated, present circumstances notwithstanding, to define the era that is hard upon us.

We are talking about decline and fall. This is what it looks like, piece by piece, perversity following perversity. It is often announced with bold assertions of authority by people who presume to make law as it suits them but stand above it—what scholars, beginning with Carl Schmitt, the Nazi theoretician, call “the state of exception.”

The most startling events of the past few months, approaching a climax as we speak, concern what is now a prevalent effort to destroy America’s colleges and universities as independent institutions of higher learning. It is true, as some have remarked, that the confrontations on American campuses, and may they continue, are not to be taken as the main event. The main event remains the Israeli–U.S. genocide prompting students across the country—and the Western world at this point—to pitch tents and demonstrate in support of the Palestinian cause.

As I type these sentences, the early Tuesday bulletins arrive, reporting that the Israelis have shut the two crossings in southern Gaza, Rafah and Kerem Shalom, that serve as lifelines for Palestinians in need of aid and medical treatment. It does not get more barbaric, except that, in the Israeli case, it consistently does.

But with these developments bitterly in mind, we should recognize the meaning and gravity of the vicious responses—state and private—to the honorable displays of principle, integrity, and clear thinking we witness on American university campuses. In any imperium’s late phase, all institutions are required to serve the state and the reigning ideology. This is a structural reality, an historical imperative, that is rarely remarked upon but easily identified nonetheless. We have already witnessed this coerced enlistment in the cases of corporate media, previously independent courts, nongovernmental organizations, and all manner of cultural institutions—book publishers, libraries, museums, the Hollywood studios. Now it is the turn of the colleges and universities.

In this late phase of decline, no one or no entity is permitted to stand beyond the fence posts in the name of independent thought or free speech. The special gravity of this when tertiary education is the target cannot be overstated. Destroy colleges and universities as sanctuaries of uncircumscribed, purposefully exploratory thought and speech—academic freedom in the common parlance—and you are a good way along to destroying the nation’s intellectual dynamism, and so the nation’s future.

Here is an exceptionally well-crafted segment of the Al Jazeera program called Listening Post, broadcast over the weekend under the headline, “The problem with the coverage of the U.S. campus protests.” Look at the footage, especially of the police—local police departments, state police, highway patrol units, campus police. If there is a term for this other than state repression, I cannot think of it.

Listen to the commentary. It is clear, analytic, grounded in reality, professional, dispassionate, more or less spotlessly objective. It is near to impossible to find footage of campus events this bold, this balanced, this undoctored, and it is absolutely impossible to find analysis and commentary of this insight and honesty in American media.

On American screens we instead see this presentation—the ne plus ultra in television coverage last week—in a segment of Inside Politics, Dana Bash’s CNN program. Let me go back to that list of attributes just mentioned. This piece is neither clear nor analytic nor grounded in reality nor professional nor dispassionate, and it does not even pretend to objectivity. It is one coerced institution that has succumbed to the state and its ideology doing its bit to help coerce another into submission. Nothing more.

“We start with destruction, violence and hate on college campuses across the country,” Bash begins. After a couple of minutes of paranoia-pumping, this, in Bash’s italicized delivery: “Protesting the way the Israeli government, the Israeli prime minister, is prosecuting the retaliatory war against Hamas is one thing. Making Jewish students feel unsafe at their own schools is unacceptable, and it is happening way too much right now.”

Then a video clip of a Jewish UCLA student, who, it is perfectly obvious, does not feel the slightest unsafe, as he tries to argue his way past a picket line to his class. Then Bash again: “What you just saw is 2024 in Los Angeles, harkening back to the 1930s in Europe. And I do not say that lightly.

Jiminy Cricket.

If Dana Bash’s May 1 program was egregious, it also reflected the rest of corporate media. Can you beat the spectacle of boastfully liberal broadcasters and newspapers cheering the suppression of free speech and free inquiry—attacking, this is to say, one of the most fundamental institutions sustaining a liberal order? Media opposition to “free speech fundamentalists” is not a new phenomenon, true, but it worsens as it carries over into educational institutions. The only thing I liked about the Bash segment was her introduction of the old “outside agitators” theme. What fun. She dredged this straight out of the John Birch catechism and sent me on a weirdly amusing walk straight down memory lane.

To stay briefly with the matter of media, I found it just as concerning, if not more so, to read last week that The Real News Network has canceled The Chris Hedges Report. Why?

Well, if you want to list journalists of high professional standards whose integrity is exemplary, it will be short, yes, but Hedges would have to be on it. His dismissal at the hands of people who couldn’t, as we used to say, change his typewriter ribbon is something approaching obscene. Though Hedges was told that an interview he did with a Congressional candidate threatened the station’s nonprofit status, in my understanding knees wobbled at TRNN because Hedges is consistently critical of the Biden regime and the genocide it sponsors, thus jeopardizing Biden’s chances in the election this November. Those running the network folded.

It has been a long, long time since corporate media, from The New York Times on down (or over), surrendered their sovereignty, their status as an independent pole of power, to the reigning ideology. This is a sort of “mission accomplished” for the national security state. So far as I can make out, and I am not going to make a study of The Real News Network, its treatment of Chris Hedges is symptomatic of the creep of the liberal authoritarians into independent media. The Dana Bash Monster, let’s say, appears to be drawing nearer. This is an increasing worry now. The No. 1 task of these media now, what they must get done before they do anything else, is to refuse to serve the state and the neoliberal ideology.

Conservatives in Congress have long planned an attack on universities in the cause of suppressing academic freedom. And it has been evident since last December, when they held those McCarthyesque hearings prior to demanding the dismissal of the presidents of Penn and Harvard, that they have identified the Gaza crisis and the antisemitism shuck as the opportunity they had waited for.

The abiding desire is to defund colleges and universities that do not conform to the way they see the world. We now read that four members of the House have begun investigations into the fantastical crisis of rampant antisemitism among university demonstrators.

What struck me last fall, and keeps on striking me now, are the intrusions of very wealthy donors into questions of academic freedom. This started among University of Pennsylvania graduates, when numerous of them either threatened to withhold donations, or did so, because Penn administrators defended academic freedom instead of agreeing to suppress those at the university—students and faculty—who stood against a genocide and in favor of the Palestinian cause.

Last week another such donor announced he would stop supporting Brown University, his alma mater, after the administration agreed to negotiate with student leaders on the question of divesting endowment funds from companies profiting from Israel’s various atrocities. The most determined of these intruders—O.K., the most obnoxious—is William Ackman, who pledges to use his money to go after media as well as universities that do not conform to his way of looking at the world. “I fix things,” he told Fortune magazine in an interview published in January. “This is just fixing things.”

Look at this list, which is very partial. David Magerman (Penn, hedge fund billionaire), Cliff Asness (same), Mark Rowan (Penn, private equity), Ronald Lauder (Penn, the cosmetics empire), Barry Sternlicht (Brown, real estate), William Ackman (Harvard, hedge funds). We now have money people and a landlord—yes, a landlord—purporting to dictate how institutions of higher learning run themselves: what they teach, how it is taught, what can be said or thought and what cannot. It is beyond unconscionable.

Michael Massing, the writer and journalist, published “How to Cover the One Percent,” a brilliant piece on the fraud of “disinterested philanthropy,” in The New York Review of Books back in 2016. There is no such thing as disinterested giving, he argued with plenty of evidence. Leaving private wealth to support institutions in the public sphere—universities, museums, public broadcasting, what have you—is at bottom a way of controlling public discourse—and so a method of political, social and (most of all) ideological control. This is what Massing meant.

A few commentators remarked, as the Israel–U.S. genocide proceeded, that Israel would prove the downfall of the West. The principles by which it, the West, purported to live, its old, old claim to global superiority: backing the hideous apartheid state would leave all this a shambles. And now it is plain. Law, language, free thought, knowledge: In all such spheres, Israel is taking down what is called the liberal order. One cannot be altogether surprised: The state of Israel was an unworkable fallacy, funded on cruelty and intolerance, from the start.

“But the utility of intelligence is admitted only theoretically, not practically,” Bertrand Russell wrote in a wonderful essay, 102 years ago, called “Free Thought and Official Propaganda.” “It is not desired that ordinary people should think for themselves, because it is felt that people who think for themselves are awkward to manage and cause administrative problems.”

We should consider this as we think about the students and the attacks on them from many quarters, about the Dana Bashes corporate media push at us, about the attempted sabotage of Chris Hedges’ work, about the nonsensical laws moving through the House, about the corrupted language deployed in the antisemitism-everywhere routine, about the attacks on institutions of learning. What is under siege in all such cases is our knowledge and our intelligence. We are not supposed to see and think about these things as they are.

It is by far best that we do—to see and think, to guard our intelligence. Then we will know our time for what it is, as it moves so swiftly along.

Opposes House Anti-Semitism Bill—Asks “What About Anti-Gentilism?”


May 4, 2024

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, giving the federal Department of Education the power to cut off funding to schools and colleges that tolerate “Antisemitism”—as defined in the Act.

From the account given in The Washington Post, it seems that anti-Zionism could count as Antisemitism under the law [House passes Antisemitism bill over complaints from First Amendment advocatesby Abigail Hauslohner, May 4, 2024]

This stuff soon gets knotty. Antisemitism, anti-Zionism: is there really any difference?

There sure is. Anti-Zionism has two main divisions:

Those two branches both subdivide.

A Gentile anti-Zionist may be an antisemite who doesn’t like seeing Jews get their way in anything; or he may have no issue with Jews per se—may even be a philosemite and a friend of Israel—but can’t see why we, the United States, should have any official policy of support towards a small country six thousand miles away.

Thus on April 23rd, a week before the House passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, the House and Senate both passed a spending bill authorizing, among much else,

About $26 billion for supporting Israel and providing humanitarian relief for people in Gaza. About $4 billion of that would be dedicated to replenishing Israel’s missile defense systems. More than $9 billion of the total would go toward humanitarian assistance in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war.

A look at what’s in the $95 billion foreign aid package passed by CongressAP, April 23, 2024

An American nationalist, even a well-wisher of Israel, might call that pointless governmental extravagance. He might ask:

Aren’t there enough wealthy Jews in the world to pony up $4 billion for Israel’s defense? And there are surely enough wealthy Arabs to keep the welfare queens of Gaza fed, clothed, and sheltered. Why should American taxpayers be involved?

Jewish anti-Zionists divide into the religious and the secular.

Religious Jewish anti-Zionists belong to a splinter sect of Orthodox Judaism called Neturei Karta. They believe it goes against God’s will to establish a Jewish state until the Messiah arrives—which, according to them, he so far hasn’t. Neturei Karta has, the ADL tells us “a strong base of support in the U.S. ”

Secular Jewish anti-Zionists are also numerous, and surprisingly fierce in their hostility to Israel. Any time I wish Israel well, I get incoming emails starting with something like: “I’m an ethnic Jew, but …”, then heading off into some heated rhetoric about the wickedness of the Israeli government and those crazy settlers.

For the most thorough exposition of secular Jewish anti-Zionism I refer you to the essays of Ron Unz. (I’ve been assuming that George Soros is another case; but reading his Wikipedia page just now to confirm, it’s not at all clear.)

So there are some fine distinctions to be made here. How would those fine distinctions be dealt with by our federal Department of Education under this proposed new law?

How do you think? How do the seat-warmers of our federal bureaucracy deal with any complex issue?

With about as much finesse and thoughtful consideration as the proverbial monkey trying to get intimate with a football, that’s how.

(By the way: What happened to conservatives wanting to get rid of the Department of Education? The damn thing is no use. Does Donald Trump have any stated policy on this?)

Sorry: back to the anti-Antisemitism bill. It is of course not law yet until the Senate votes and the president signs.

The first is not impossible: the House passed the bill on a vote of 320-91. Of that healthy 320 majority, 133 were Democrats. As to the president signing it, that will depend on exactly how terrified he is of Muslim voters in Michigan and Minnesota.

Where do I stand on this?

I’m against the Anti-Semitism bill. As a legislative matter, I’m anti-Antisemitism.

Antisemitism’s not nice, but it’s a point of view of the kind that is bound to exist at some level in a multi-ethnic society. It’s entitled to free expression, or else it will only fester in silence.

And what about anti-Gentilism? When, four or five generations ago, great numbers of East European Jews migrated to the U.S.A. and Britain, they brought with them the old ghetto hostility towards the brutish, drunken goy. Some of that survived down to our own time; in the Borat movies of Sacha Baron Cohen, for example.

Stirred by the Civil Rights movement and the great Thought Revolution of the 1960s, some of that anti-Gentilism morphed into anti-whitism. It was a Jew, Susan Sontag, who told us in 1967 that “the white race is the cancer of human history” [Partisan Review, Winter 1967, p. 51-58]..

Given that Ms. Sontag was as white as I am, what should we make of her usage of the word “white” there?

realities: the hostility of Jew for Christian, black for white, marginal for respectable, minority for majority, alien for native, abnormal for normal …

… If we can sum up the worst attitudes of one side in the term “Nativism,” then we ought to have some such term as “Alienism” (with apologies to the psychiatric profession) to sum up those of the other.

The Natives Are Restless, By Joseph Sobran, National Review, February 22, 1985

(The word “alienist,” I should explain for listeners who weren’t around in 1985, is an old term for “psychiatrist”).

There’s more to be said, of course. There is for example the power balance: Which party most likely has the power to push the other party around? Of course, it’s the one with the most numbers—the majority.

That gives minorities a moral claim of sorts on their alienism that majorities can’t claim for their nativism, xenophobia, etc. That moral claim can then generate irrational guilt in the majority. I mean, it would only be rational guilt if they actually did push the minority around.

Somewhere down this road there’s an explanation for that weirdest of all social pathologies, white anti-whitism.

All that aside, Sobran was right to point out that ethnic negativity works in both directions, and needs more of a vocabulary than it had in 1985 … or yet has.

John Derbyshire [email him] writes an incredible amount on all sorts of subjects for all kinds of outlets. (This no longer includes National Review, whose editors had some kind of tantrum and fired him.) He is the author of We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism and several other booksHe has had two books published by VDARE.com com: FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT (also available in Kindle) and FROM THE DISSIDENT RIGHT II: ESSAYS 2013.

Carnival Rides

Authored by James Howard Kunstler on May 11, 2024


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“These agencies are not trusted because they are not trustworthy.” — El Gato Malo on “X”

The miasma of anxiety befogging so many brains in our troubled land begins to lift as every narrative served up by the US fascist intel blob goes annoyingly stale and impotent. The worst media meme — that a vicious officialdom is “defending our democracy” — gets laughed out of the room now when repeated incessantly by such shills as Jen Psaki and Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC. Everybody understands they want to “defend our democracy” by cancelling your freedom of speech, pounding you into bankruptcy, and stealing whatever remains of your stuff.

     Likewise, everything else, namely: that our doings in Ukraine are a “fight for freedom,” that “white supremacy” lurks just out of sight getting ready to pounce on the “marginalized” (who are actually running things, and doing it very badly), that “Joe Biden” turned around the economy, that “voting rights” equals non-citizens getting to vote, that election fraud is a “big lie” (and that the J-6 riot over it was an “insurrection”), and that the Covid vaccines were “safe and effective.”

     None of these dishonest persuasions work anymore, and all of the persuasion machinery stands in plain sight like so many nauseating carnival rides. One by one, the rides are flying apart, scattering debris and body parts of the poor slobs who were on the rides all over the fairgrounds. And so, the fear rises in the ones running the carnival. The county sheriff stands by looking to round up the sleazeball carnies with their missing teeth and needle tracks inside their elbows. Before long, they will find themselves in the courtroom. . . .

      The vicious officialdom put up the carnival and all of its rides to distract the public from the crimes they committed during and after the 2016 election. Donald Trump’s idle talk about putting Hillary Clinton in jail struck nerves throughout the federal bureaucracy, the halls of Congress, and the strongholds of the Clintons and the Obamas.

     The Clintons had literally bought the Democratic Party apparatus under the DNC, using the money they grifted into the Clinton foundation from such operations as the Uranium One deal, the Skolkovo war-tech transfer deal, and the Haiti earthquake relief effort. They were sure that ownership of the DNC guaranteed the election for Hillary. It did guarantee that she would overcome Bernie Sanders’ primary election victories and the delegates that came with them, even after Julian Assange’s Wikileaks release informed the world just how the Clintons bought and paid for the DNC and the whole Philadelphia convention. Call this the birth of the “misinformation” cult, in which everything true was converted into a “big lie.”

      The problem was, Hillary lost that election. What a surprise! Buying the convention was not enough, it turned out. Those “deplorables” did the unthinkable: cast enough of their stinky votes in just the right rust belt precincts to elect the Golden Golem of Greatness, who was as surprised as anybody, and really unprepared to cobble together an actual governing administration — in the process of which, Donald J. Trump was completely buffaloed by the outgoing Obama gang. They plotted by the lights of the White House Christmas tree to go after the interloper with all they had, starting with the surgical removal of a most dangerous appointee, National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, who knew all the secrets. . . and from there onto four years of Russia, Russia, Russia. . . .

     It’s hardly a mystery anymore how “Joe Biden” got elected. It’s perfectly obvious despite the “big lie” narrative that the 2020 election was stoked with a veritable orgy of ballot fraud and direct election interference by agency rogues, especially the ones leaning hard on Facebook, Twitter, and Google to manipulate what the public actually saw. Don’t believe your lying eyes they told the nation. What is a mystery is why they chose “Joe Biden” to front for the cabal around Barack Obama actually running the show. Never before in US history was there a president who left such a slime trail of bribery and corruption. Just as they had spent all their energy the previous four years in undermining Mr. Trump, they had to spend the next four years propping up and defending “Joe Biden,” and then desperately trying to save their own asses from a Trump return. Meanwhile, they set out on their mission to wreck the country sufficient to clear the way for establishing a transhuman public-private utopia of crypto-Marxian “equity” (theft of property).

     All of this political legerdemain summoned up the miasma of anxiety that beclouded the people of this sore-beset republic, and the nearly final blow to them was the Covid-19 operation, set in motion with the phony PCR test, that has now left a substantial number of citizens, vaccine-injured, disabled, and on-course for an early death — a pretty grotesque affront to our democracy. The victims are beginning to realize it.

    The battery of Trump trials and lawsuits meant to put him totally out of business are now all simultaneously collapsing. Special Counsel Jack Smith is left doing Chinese fire drills around his office Keurig coffee machine. When the prank-fest in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom concludes, whether the jury sees the show for the farce that it is, or not, the Golden Golem of Greatness will be at large again among the voters. If he is clever enough to pick a capable veep that represents something like “assassination insurance” — say, Vivek, Tulsi Gabbard, or JD Vance — then the Obama cabal and the blob that has been protecting it will be swept out of power and into a dragnet of a kind of law actually associated with the word justice.

     They are running out of ways to avoid it. All they’ve got left are the direst resorts: war, crashing the economy, another bio-weapon op against their own people, or an outright coup d’état. And even those probably won’t work.

Protecting Israel Is Washington’s Number One Job

The White House and Congress rally around the Star of David Flag


May 8, 2024

When, as expected, President Joe Biden signs off on the Antisemitism Awareness Act the Department of Education will be empowered to send so-called antisemitism monitors to enforce civil rights law at public schools as well as at colleges to observe and report on levels of hostility towards Jews. The monitors’ reports will eventually wind up in Congress which can propose remedies as required, including cutting funding and recommending civil rights charges in extreme cases. One of the more regrettable features of the act is that it accepts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism as it applies to the state of Israel, making criticism of the Jewish state ipso facto antisemitism. Its text includes the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity” as an antisemitic act. In reality, however, actual antisemitism is not as prevalent as Israel partisans claim. Most of what they call antisemitism is simply criticism of the legally self-proclaimed apartheid “Jewish State” and most of the animosity Israel experiences is opposition to its brutal treatment of the Palestinians. Giving legal sanction to that presumption that Israel must be protected from bigots means that the United States is well on the way to forbidding any criticism of Israel at all. Americans can criticize their own country or nations in Europe, or at least they are able to do so currently, but bad-mouthing Israel could soon co nstitute a criminal offense.

The Antisemitism Awareness Act is just one aspect of how the power of organized Jewish groups over the government and media is shaping the kind of society that Americans will be living in in the near future. It will be a society devoid of several fundamental constitutional rights, like free speech, due to deference to the preferences of one tiny demographic. And the one most interesting aspect of that power is how it has successfully hidden the fact that it even exists while also propagating the myth that Jews and Israel are especially worthy of special consideration because they are frequently or even always perceived as victims, an extension of the holocaust myth.

Indeed, Israel is recently always in the news and most often completely protected by the media and the talking heads elements, particularly true if one sinks to watching Fox or reading the Wall Street JournalNew York Times or Washington Post. Even the loathsome Benjamin Netanyahu frequently gets good press while nonviolent student peace demonstrators are invariably described as anti-Israeli or pro-Hamas terrorists even when they are assaulted by Zionist thugs led by an Israeli special ops officer and funded and armed by Jewish billionaires as occurred recently in Los Angeles.

Nevertheless, sometimes something slips through the defenses that reveals all too clearly what is going on. In responding to a question from a journalist, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a claim recently that absolutely no one who has spent any time in Washington will believe. The journalist had asked whether the Federal Government in making its foreign policy decisions tended to favor and/or excuse the behavior of some countries while condemning others for exactly the same actions. Blinken replied “We apply the same standard to everyone. And that doesn’t change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend or an ally.”

Everyone in the room understood very clearly that Blinken wasn’t telling the truth and was trying to preserve the fiction that the United States holds allies and clients to the same “rules based international order” standard that it uses for others, most notably competitor nations like Russia and China or adversaries like Iran. No one takes what Blinken says seriously in any event, and it does not help his general credibility when he feels compelled to lie for no reason whatsoever.

Would that someone in the room had had the temerity to cite one of Blinken’s most egregiously partisan comments, his greeting to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the airport tarmac of Ben Gurion airport shortly after the October 7th Hamas attack. He said “I come before you as a Jew. I understand on a personal level the harrowing echoes that Hamas’s massacres carry for Israeli Jews – indeed, for Jews everywhere.” It prompted one to mutter, “No Anthony, you are the Secretary of States of the United States of America. You are there to represent American interests in avoiding a major war in the Middle East, not to represent the interests of your tribe by declaring yourself one of them.”

The Blinken meeting with Netanyahu was particularly telling as few in Washington would doubt that the Joe Biden White House and Congress have totally surrendered to Israeli interests rather than serving the needs of their constituents in the United States. Paul Craig Roberts describes it as “The US Congress has become an extension of the Israeli government.” To answer the journalist’s question honestly Blinken should have admitted that the Biden government is fully committed to protecting Israel and even its perceived interests when they conflict with normal US policy. On Wednesday the Biden administration indicated that it has indefinitely delayed a required report investigating potential Israeli war crimes in Gaza that was supposed to be released by the US State Department. If the report had concluded, which it should have, that Israel violated international humanitarian law, the US would have to stop sending foreign aid due to the Leahy Law, which makes it illegal for the US government to provide aid to any foreign security forces found to be committing “gross violations of human rights.” So Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken decided to deep six the report instead to protect Israel by breaking US law, though they have reportedly delayed one shipment of bombs lest they be used on civilians in Rafah. Nevertheless, Biden clearly means what he says when he repeatedly stumbles to confirm that US security guarantees to Israel are “ironclad.” Indeed, the tie with the Jewish state goes well beyond what is generally due to anyone even described as an ally, which Israel, also no democracy, is not in any event, as an alliance requires both reciprocity and a precise understanding of the red lines in the relationship.

Nothing illustrates the total subservience of Washington to Israel better than how the United States is unnecessarily getting itself involved in an argument that might well prove to be a major embarrassment as well as trouble in America’s relationship with many foreign states. And, as is often the case, it involves Israel. There have been confirmed reports that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is preparing to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and two other senior Israeli officials in connection with war crimes related to the ongoing genocide directed against the Gazans. Netanyahu is reportedly reaching wildly out to his many “friends” to prevent such a development. And, in line with Washington-Jerusalem thinking that every good crisis deserves an excessive use of force or even a military solution, there are already reports that pressure, including threats, is being exerted both by Israel and the US against the jurists on the court and even directed against their families. The Israeli government warned the Biden administration that if the ICC issues arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, it will take retaliatory steps against the Palestinian Authority that could lead to its collapse, further destabilizing the region. Israel is also conducting a parallel diplomatic channels outreach in Europe to convince the local governments to advise their representatives on the court that it would be desirable to squash its investigation.

Netanyahu, who called President Joe Biden and asked for help, has in response to news reports tweeted that Israel “will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defense. The threat to seize the soldiers and officials of the Middle East’s only democracy and the world’s only Jewish state is outrageous. We will not bow to it.” Netanyahu also denounced the possible warrants as an “unprecedented antisemitic hate crime.” As ICC deliberations are secret it would appear that an American or British jurist must have leaked the story to enable Netanyahu to mount a campaign against it. The White House and Congress are already moving full speed ahead to make the warrants go away and are exploring options to directly confront and discredit the court if the Israelis are actually punished.

The US has nothing to gain and much to lose in confronting the ICC as the court is generally well respected. And more might be coming. There are reports that prosecutors from the ICC have interviewed medical staff at two of Gaza’s largest hospitals in their investigation of other possible war crimes committed by Israel in connection with the mass graves recently discovered. ICC was founded in 2002 as a last resort court to deal with war crimes and crimes against humanity that were not addressable otherwise. The court was established by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute). Israel is not a party to the Rome Statute and does not recognize the ICC’s jurisdiction. However, should a warrant in Netanyahu’s name be issued, his travel could be restricted, as the 123 countries that recognize the court may consider themselves obliged to arrest him.

As of March 2023, there were 123 member states of the Court. The United States is no longer a member because on May 6th, 2002, the United States, having previously signed the Rome Statute, formally withdrew its signature and indicated that it did not intend to ratify the agreement. Another state that has withdrawn its signature is the Sudan while some states that have never become parties to the Rome Statute include India, Indonesia, and China. United States policy concerning the ICC has varied by administration. The Clinton administration signed the Rome Statute in 2000, but did not submit it for Senate ratification. The George W. Bush administration, which was the US administration at the time of the ICC’s founding, stated that it would not join the ICC. The Obama administration subsequently re-established a working relationship with the Court as an observer. There has been no change in the status since that time, but the relationship is regarded as inactive.

What will the United States do to bail out Israel one more time? It has already made its position known. White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre stated “We’ve been really clear about the ICC investigation. We do not support it. We don’t believe that they have the jurisdiction.” Deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel doubled down on that declaring “Our position is clear. We continue to believe that the ICC does not have jurisdiction over the Palestinian situation.” The White House was joined by leading congressional Republicans. Zionist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has pressured the White House and State Department to “use every available tool to prevent such an abomination,” explaining how conceding the point to ICC “would directly undermine US national security interests. If unchallenged by the Biden administration, the ICC could create and assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrants against American political leaders, American diplomats, and American military personnel.”

There is a precedent to the US taking action against the ICC. On September 2, 2020, the United States government imposed sanctions on the ICC prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, in response to an investigation by the court into US war crimes in Afghanistan, so there is some sensitivity to the fact that as the US is the world’s leading source of war crimes, it would be wise to delegitimize agencies that would look too deeply into that fact. But the ICC sometimes has its uses as when the Biden administration publicly welcomed a war crimes investigation by the ICC against Russian President Vladimir Putin over the war in Ukraine. Asked why the United States supported an International Criminal Court investigation into Russian officials, Patel declared that “There is no moral equivalency between the kinds of things that we see [Russian President Vladimir Putin] and the Kremlin undertake in comparison to the Israeli government,” once again demonstrating that what Blinken said to the journalist was nonsense.

The Republican Party is seeking to outdo the White House in demonstrating its love for Israel. A letter signed by twelve GOP Senators was sent to Karim Khan, chief prosecutor on the ICC. The letter threatens members of the court over the possible indictment of Netanyahu and company. The group of 12 Republican senators who I like to refer to as the “Dirty Dozen” due to the large political contributions they receive from pro-Israel sources, sent a letter to the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan that threatens “severe sanctions” if the court goes ahead with the plan to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, his Defense Minister and one other senior official. The letter, dated April 24, referenced the American Service-Members’ Protection Act, a law that authorizes the president to use any means to free any US personnel detained by the ICC even though it does not apply to Israel. It says, ridiculously, that “If you issue a warrant for the arrest of the Israeli, we will interpret this not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but as a threat to the sovereignty of the United States” and goes on to deny that the ICC even has jurisdiction to issue warrants since Israel is not a member of the court. The apparent drafter, Senator Tom Cotton, was seemingly unaware that Palestine is a member of the ICC and the arrest warrants would be based on war crimes committed by Israel on its nominal territory, Gaza and the West Bank.

The letter concludes with a heavy-handed threat: “The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in this report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and your associates, and bar you and your family from the United States. You have been warned.” A few days later, the ICC issued a statement condemning the threats made against the court and said attempts to “impede, intimidate, or improperly influence” ICC officials must “cease immediately.” The 12 Republican senators who signed on to the letter include Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, Katie Boyd Britt, Ted Budd, Kevin Cramer, Ted Cruz, Bill Hagerty, Pete Ricketts, Marco Rubio, Rick Scott, and Tim Scott. Only Lindsay Graham was missing and he was probably busy drumming up support for his plan to “destroy the enemies of the state of Israel.” Cotton, who has recommended that people who are inconvenienced by protesters should confront them and beat them up, has also introduced legislation denying college loan relief to students who faced state or federal charges while demonstrating against the deaths in Gaza. Some other Republican congressmen who are short on brain cells but strong on Israel are seeking to have protesters “convicted of unlawful activity on the campus of an American university since October 7th 2023” deported to do six months community service in Gaza, though how that would be implemented is not clear. Congressman Randy Weber of Texas explained “If you support a terrorist organization and you participate in unlawful activity on campuses, you should get a taste of your own medicine. I am going to bet that these pro-Hamas supporters wouldn’t last a day, but let’s give them the opportunity.”

So the United States will again go to bat for Israel and Israel will ignore what comes out and dodge any consequences. The real losers in the process will be the American people, who more clearly than ever will see and hopefully recognize that they have a government that spends an awful lot of time and money on Israel and doing things that are being promoted by Jewish groups. We have a legislature and executive branch that have been corrupted and compromised from top to bottom, always doing what is wrong for the most selfish reasons, often out of loyalty to foreign governments like Israel that could care less. The United States was once a symbol of freedom and opportunity. Now it has become an international embarrassment.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org

Judea Declares War on Tucker Carlson

by Andrew Anglin April 26, 2024

After passing the Ukraine aid bill this week, arch warmonger Mitch McConnell, a man with a 6% approval rating whose entire existence surrounds servicing the Jews, claimed that the entire reason it took so long to get the bill passed was because Tucker Carlson disagreed with it.

He was asked why it took so long, and he replied: “I think you know the answer … Tucker Carlson.”

This amounts to the largest praise Tucker Carlson could possibly receive. It is career-defining praise. It is truly incredible that a talk news host could singlehandedly stop a major bill like this from being passed. To be clear, I think McConnell is probably right: most, if not all, opposition to the funding of the Ukraine war came from Tucker. It was truly bizarre to turn on Fox News and watch Tucker give all the facts and then have Sean Hannity come on and say that the CIA should assassinate Putin.

Apparently, now that Tucker is off of Fox News, he is no longer a problem for McConnell and his warmongers. This certainly makes it clear why he was fired (if that somehow was not already clear). With his Internet show, Tucker has many more views now than he ever got on Fox News, but the boomers probably are not watching him. We forget that there are people in this country who do not use the internet for anything other than Facebook, and actually still turn on a TV to watch the news.

Mitch McConnell is a servant of Jews, and this very bizarre public attack on Tucker comes after a blitzkrieg of attacks from the Jews.

First, Let Me Say: My Views on Tucker Have Changed

In the past, I’ve taken issue with Tucker Carlson, and asserted that he must be some kind of CIA shill. However, I no longer believe that. Now, he is defending Russia and calling out the sickening Jews, and I support him implicitly.

In the past, around the end of his tenure on Fox and shortly after, Tucker began promoting various things that were wrong, and it seemed impossible to me that he was unaware that he was promoting lies. Notably, he promoted the “Chinese Spy Balloon” hoax. That one was particularly egregious, because it was so very ridiculous. He parroted the Biden government’s line about this wayward weather balloon, apparently unaware that satellites exist. (China has hundreds of satellites that can record everything happening in America from space, so the idea that they would send a balloon to spy is nonsensical.)

Further, when he was fired from Fox News, he started doing a bunch of podcasts, and I thought a lot of the things he said were retarded and malicious. For example, he not only promoted UFOs, but claimed that the angels of the Bible were actually aliens. Or, so I thought. Now, he seems to have changed his position on the matter (or maybe I just didn’t understand what the hell he was talking about last time). Listening to his recent interview with Joe Rogan, he said the reverse of what I thought he said, saying that UFOs are actually angels (or maybe demons, or something). That’s fair enough, I guess, if you want to believe that. It’s stupid, but it’s not blasphemy.

After having followed him over the last few months, I’ve come to the conclusion that he is just not very smart. He often sounds like a teenage girl when he is speaking without a script. A huge portion of what he says sounds simply dumb. This is shocking to me personally, as I don’t expect successful people to be stupid. It seems to me that it is very simple to understand that China is not acting aggressively towards the US, it’s very simple to understand that all of the information about supposed “UFOs” comes from the US government and former government employees (and that the US government is therefore actively promoting a belief in UFOs for nefarious purposes). But, I must accept, some people simply do not have the intelligence to work through basic information, and will instead come up with retarded ideas.

Recently, I’ve been reading through the bibliography of John Mearsheimer. He has a rather sophisticated explanation for being against China. I don’t agree with it, and I wish I could debate either him or Tucker on the issue. Of course, I’m totally locked out of the public conversation. (Allegedly, it’s because I made edgy jokes and if you make edgy jokes you’re banned from the public conversation forever. It seems more likely that I was shut out because powerful people don’t want the public to hear what I have to say.) Anyway, I was always saying that Tucker should talk to Colonel MacGregor about China to get the real story, but it’s more likely he’s listening to Mearsheimer, who claims that we can somehow convince Russia to help us undermine China before they become a peer competitor with the United States. Mearsheimer, however, does not talk about domestic politics at all, so he doesn’t need to explain why you would defend the United States, a country with child trannies, against any country that does not have child trannies.

I do not think Mearsheimer would have believed in the spy balloon. But general Sinophobia is possibly something that an honest person can harbor. The promotion of UFOs seems more sinister than that, but again, after the Rogan interview, I find this less offensive. Also in the Rogan interview, you can see that Tucker is dumb. A person who is dumb cannot be held to the same standards as an intelligent person.

The Rogan interview is interesting, however. I agreed with a lot of what Tucker said about various things. And I think you can see that he’s genuine. (Just slow.) Along with being slow, he appears to have very limited access to information. The New York Times reported that he was reading this website, then it turned out it was just the writers. Though he obviously used a lot of my material on his show, I don’t think he is familiar with all of my arguments on potentially controversial topics such as China.

Ultimately, regardless of any other details, Tucker Carlson gave a impartial interview to Vladimir Putin, which proves he’s not a shill. It was really gay when he told Putin to release that Jew spy, who should be executed or worse, but overall, the interview was very good, and was the first time a lot of Americans were able to see that Putin is not some kind of power-mad lunatic, and is in fact a really cool guy.

Now, Tucker has taken things a step further, and has questioned the Jews. He did several segments about the US relationship to Israel, stating obvious, uncontroversial facts such as “Israel provides no advantage of the United States.

But the Jews really began to go ape when he interviewed a Palestinian priest to talk about how the Jews are killing Christians.

Judea Declares War

The interview with Pastor Munther Isaac, which he published on Twitter on April 9th, caused the floodgates to open. Judea declared war on Tucker Carlson. Throughout the Jewish media, there are now constant attacks on him by “conservative” outlets which are, invariably, Jewish.

The fat Jewish-Zionist slut Bari Weiss owns an outlet called “The Free Press.” I was unfamiliar with the publication, but it is apparently successful, as it is capable of funding her ice cream habit, which likely costs hundreds of dollars per day.

Shortly after Carlson interviewed the priest, the tub of kosher love Weiss published an article by fat Jew Eli Lake attacking Tucker.

Lake does a lot of nitpicking, claiming that Tucker is doing interviews that Fox News would have banned which involve “conspiracy theories.” Then he gets to his real issue:

But what was most appalling was Tucker’s descent into moral relativism, his muddying of the line between good and evil. For Tucker, America is not exceptional; it is no better than its enemies. And this is particularly corrosive, because he is persuading a large segment of the American right to abandon its rightful contempt for foreign tyrants, terrorists, and cranks.

First came Moscow. He told us he was dazzled by the city’s gleaming subways and orderly fast-food restaurants. Then he interviewed Russian despot and world-champion liar Vladimir Putin, allowing him to deliver a slanted history of his country’s dominion over western Ukraine. Never once did Tucker ask him about Alexei Navalny, the opposition leader who died ten days after the interview in one of Putin’s Arctic dungeons.

(Tucker’s fawning chat with the Russian tyrant stood in sharp contrast to his coverage of Ukraine’s elected leader, Volodymyr Zelensky. In one of his first shows on X, Tucker called Zelensky “sweaty and rat-like, a comedian turned oligarch, a persecutor of Christians.”)

Tucker has even adopted some of the same progressive talking points he once used to ridicule. For example, in February, Tucker said he despised former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley because of her hawkish foreign policy against Iran, claiming that her real agenda was to resurrect the military draft. “I’ve got four draft-age children,” he told comedian Russell Brand. “So if you’re playing recklessly, fast, and loose with their lives, then I have a right to despise you.”

This nonsense is an echo of the bloggy fringes of the 2000s-era left. In those years it was the progressive netroots that indulged the dark fantasy that a draft would be reinstated because the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had overstrained our military. Now it’s people like Tucker who claim to oppose wars because politicians secretly want to conscript young citizens to fight them.

But, even after all that, it’s Tucker’s interview last week with Munther Isaac, a self-described evangelical Christian pastor who lives in Bethlehem, that most alarmed me. 

Why would that alarm you so much, Eli?

Is it because you’re Jewish? Is that the reason? 

After an extended attack on Christians and a defense of Israel, Lake closes with this:

The skepticism that served him well in the Trump years when much of the fourth estate behaved like an opposition political party has led him all the way around the horseshoe. His opposition to the people he hates—liberals and neocons—has turned him into Noam Chomsky in a bow tie.

Tucker was correct when he punctured the relentless speculation and anonymous reporting that led so many journalists to believe President Trump was a Russian agent. He was right when he said the real story was the Democratic Party colluding with the FBI to smear the Trump campaign. But he is wrong when he asserts that Israel and America are no better than their enemies. Once Tucker was too smart to allow his ideological rivals to determine his opinions. Now he proudly apologizes for evil and calls it the truth.

I look forward to his next dispatch, praising the gleaming shopping malls of Tehran.

“Noam Chomsky in a bowtie” is apparently supposed to be an “own,” but if we go back and look at the foreign policies of Chomsky versus those of the neocons, Chomsky comes out looking pretty lovely. This is similar to talking about the “bloggy fringes.” All of this is a convoluted way to claim that “Tucker is not a true conservative” because he won’t endorse the neocon Jew war agenda.

It’s interesting that the chubby Jewess Weiss wouldn’t write this article herself. But she tweeted it.

The Eli Lake article is indicative of the larger attack on Tucker over the last two weeks. There are dozens of these articles, and the Jews are all over Twitter attacking him.

It was only a matter of time until America’s “King of the Jews” Ben Shapiro got involved. Shapiro is too clever by half, so wanted to avoid the optics of attacking Tucker directly over his views on Israel. Instead, he waited for a more strategic point of attack. He found that in the Rogan interview, when Tucker said that he thinks the US nuking Japan was evil.

Shapiro jumped all over this, and has launched a “debate” claiming that Tucker Carlson is saying “there is something deeply wrong with the United States.” This view, apparently, is in contrast to a view that there is nothing deeply wrong with the United States, which seems to me something only an insane person would think. The Jews claim there is something deeply wrong with the United States, and in fact, Jews claim that there is something wrong with all “goyim.” I personally believe there are several things deeply wrong with the United States.

But I assume Shapiro is very keen on collecting data about what “mainstream conservatives” believe, and so apparently, they are against the idea that there is something deeply wrong with the United States. I don’t think anyone really has very strong opinions on nuking Japan. It’s too long ago for anyone to think much about. But that was Shapiro’s line of attack.

Shapiro’s partner at Daily Wire, the disgusting traitor (who should be in prison or worse) Jeremy Boreing came out and claimed that Tucker “hates America.”

This is the new line they’re all using: “this is traditionally a leftist point of view.” He says, “this isn’t actually America First – this is something else.” That’s the Jewish line. He’s a leftist conspiracy theorist who has infiltrated the right-wing with his peace-mongering.

We’ll see how far they get with that. It’s hard to measure.

Jews Never Surrender – They Attack Until You’re Dead

The next move is obviously to figure out a way to get Tucker banned from Twitter, which is presumably possible, because Elon Musk was born without a spine.

It’s very interesting that Mitch McConnell is celebrating that he was able to get his war bill passed because Tucker is not on Fox. Old people who watch Fox News started supporting the Ukraine again when Tucker was removed. This would mean, logically, that if the young people did not have him to watch on Twitter, they would go back to supporting Israel. This means, definitely, that people like Shapiro and Weiss are trying to have him removed from Twitter.

Elon is apparently very close to Ben Shapiro, so I’m sure he’s hearing about how Tucker needs to go. However, Elon is still telling a bunch of retards who don’t know any better that Twitter has freedom of speech. Twitter does not have free speech. In fact, an entire category of people, including me, are banned for having various views that apparently fall outside of the bounds of “freedom of speech.”

When I was on Elon’s new Twitter, I didn’t even talk about the Jews. He said he wasn’t going to ban me, then I was banned randomly, for no reason other than that Jews don’t like me. I had a not insignificant number of followers and interactions, but I am obviously not Tucker Carlson. Banning him would be something very different.

What I think is likely is that Tucker will do some other interview with a Palestinian or someone pro-Palestine, and Bibi Netanyahu will come out and demand Tucker be banned from Twitter. Then there will be some back and forth, and Elon will claim he has no choice but to ban him, because of blah blah blah.

Although I’ve insulted his intelligence in some detail here, Tucker is smart enough to refer people to TuckerCarlson.com rather than his Twitter feed, obviously aware that Elon is not an honest broker. But if he thinks he can keep his website, he needs to look further into my case. He knows something about my case, because he talked about it several times on his show, but he needs to understand that there is no reason they can’t steal his .com website, and consider getting a Russian domain.

With the Jews as mad as they are, and with Tucker showing no signs of backing down, he needs to be prepared for anything.

This is exactly what they do not want: Jews do not want conservatives turning on Israel. Most of the mainstream left (save talk show hosts and politicians) have already turned on Israel. If the mainstream right turns on Israel, this whole charade is going to become a lot more difficult to uphold.

At some point, the policies of the government are going to be so divorced from popular opinion, and so totally destructive, that America will become ungovernable. High level universities are already shutting down because they have no way to deal with students protesting against Israel. The logical move for the Jews is to pivot to Republicans, and claim that America supports Israel because of the Republicans. (This is why I think there is a good chance Donald Trump will “win” the election in November.) But if you end up with right-wingers and left-wingers coming together to say they don’t support the Jewish war machine, it becomes obvious to everyone that this government is illegitimate.

I Want to Say

I had a right to criticize Tucker Carlson for promoting Biden hoaxes. But maybe I was too hard on him.

He’s a very brave man and America is lucky to have him.

The Biden Regime’s Coup Against Constitutional America Is Leading to Civil War

by Paul Craig Roberts

January 29, 2024

It Seems Americans Can Only Save Their Country and Their Freedom by Winning a Civil War that Defeats the Democrat Party’s Coup Against the United States.

“President” Joe Biden, who is in office only through electoral fraud, has committed high treason against the United States of America.  Why hasn’t he been arrested and put on trial?

In taking the oath of office Biden is sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, but he has violated the Constitution, which requires his removal from office and punishment for high treason against the United States.

In addition to violating the Constitution and oath of office, Biden has violated moral and ethical standards and according to abundant evidence felony laws, from the consequences of which he is being protected by the Department of Justice (sic), the FBI, media, and the US Congress.  

This article will not make the full case against Biden.  It will focus on two major treasonous acts. One is that Biden has not only refused to defend US borders, but also he has worked consistently to keep US borders open to massive invasion, fully assisted by his regime, of millions of invaders who are overrunning American cities and communities.  The other is that while leaving America’s borders undefended, Biden has unconstitutionally committed Americans to three wars in defense of the borders of other countries without required Congressional approval. 

That Biden’s extraordinary crimes and violations of the Constitution go unpunished is evidence that the American Constitutional system of government has collapsed.  The US is no longer a republic with a democracy and a rule of law.  America is an unaccountable dictatorship in which American patriots are sentenced to prison for exercising their First Amendment rights.  Trump supporters who exercised their First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly were falsely branded “insurrectionists” and sentenced without evidence to prison. Accusation alone served as “evidence.”

Article IV, section 4 of the US Constitution requires the federal government to protect each state against invasion.  This the Biden regime has steadfastly refused to do, instead aiding and abetting the immigrant-invaders who are overrunning Texas and other states.  Without any doubt, the Biden regime has broken the contract between the federal and state governments.  Biden has openly invited civil war by repeating Abraham Lincoln’s violation of the Constitutional contract between the federal government and the states. Whereas Lincoln only targeted the Southern states, Biden has violated his responsibility to all states. Under Biden’s open border policy, even blue cities, such as Denver, are crying for help against the immigrant-invaders that the federal government is aiding and abetting. https://www.coloradopolitics.com/denver/denver-city-council-immigration-help/article_48177344-5d38-5c7d-9833-c442863ccec9.html 

In response to the federal government’s refusal to protect American borders, Texas governor Greg Abbott has taken steps to defend Texas’ border.  Twenty-five other governors have backed him, some offering to send their state national guard to the defense of Texas.  The traitor in the White House said he would arrest every police officer and every national guardsman who interfered with the success of the immigrant-invaders’ Washington supported invasion.  

In other words, to be clear, the traitorous Biden regime has firmly and completely aligned itself with foreign invaders against American citizens.

Such open high treason is complete evidence that the real enemy of the American people is Washington.

Three liberal Democrat researchers at Yale University have published a report that the number of illegal aliens in the US is more than twice the number of the reported 11 million.  Their figure is north of 22 million.  The announced policy of the Democrat Party is to legalize all of these illegals and give them the right to vote, in the expectation that they will vote Democrat as the Democrats let them in and gave them power.  This means a permanent one-party state, which is a tyranny.

So another crime committed by Biden and the entirety of the Democrat Party is the intentional act of creating a tyranny out of a Constitutional Republic.

Simplicus writes about this at length providing abundant information and Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s statement invoking Texas’ Constitutional right to protect Texas’ border, a right challenged by the traitor in the White House and the anti-American, anti-white Democrat party whose overriding goal is to replace the American population.  https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/border-crisis-heats-up-as-biden-admin