Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States

Over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming


June 26, 2024

In a recent interview with Clayton Morris on Redacted, US Border Patrol agent turned filmmaker, J.J. Carrell, discussed his new documentary and the fact that prison facilities are being built in all fifty states to hold millions of political dissidents.

“And there's detention facility bids. Bids to build individual detention facilities in every state in the Union. And then she goes on to say to me, well, who do you think they're built for? And she says, in this interview, they’re for dissidents. American dissidents." ~ J.J. Carrell

The FEMA camps were reported decades ago. This was never an outrageous conspiracy theory. The US government has been framing American patriots as the enemy for decades. And the reason should be obvious, those who have been in control of the US government for generations have no interest in serving the people in accordance to the Constitution or otherwise. Our country is being destroyed from within and the rule of law has been weaponized against those who defend it.

Hundreds of innocent Americans have been arrested and thrown in jail because they chose to peacefully protest the 2020 stolen election. And others such as Jeremy Brown, a Green Beret who was approached in late 2020 by Federal agents trying to recruit him for the Jan 6 false flag operation, was arrested after going public with this information by the same Federal agents. He was put in maximum security prison where he remains to this day, his one-thousandth day in Federal prison.

Hundreds of innocent Americans have been in jail for years. And several have been tortured. Much of America is okay with the fact that hundreds are rotting in jail for a peaceful protest. It’s already become the norm. While it’s definitely worth celebrating the release of Julian Assange, the American people have never been more divided.

The Daily Mail reports that “more than 40 per cent of Americans think a new civil war will be fought within the next decade.” According to one poll, “more than four-in-ten US voters say the country is likely to get ripped apart in a second civil war within five years.” And another shows that over a hundred million Americans say that civil war is coming.

Based on the recommendation of think tank, Policy Horizons, Canada has been preparing for an American civil war including cyber-attacks and grid failures following the 2024 presidential election.

The soldiers of the New World Order are not going to die easy. They are apparently willing to spark a nuclear conflict with Russia and are already writing new laws to bring back the draft.

So women have never been required to register for the draft. But that could soon change thanks to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.” “Martha, good morning. The Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act, which sets out military national security priorities, would require women to register for selective service. It concludes, quote, ‘this is a necessary and fair step, making it possible to draw on the talent of a unified nation in a time of national emergency.’ Now, there are two different versions of this bill, one in the House one in the Senate, so it's possible women in the draft could get dropped as lawmakers iron out the differences.” ~ FOX NEWS

So while women may get dropped from this bill, our government is bringing back the draft while provoking a major war with Russia. They have their bunkers and they’ve already jailed hundreds for protesting an election, so they’ll definitely jail draft dodgers and everyone else who stands in their way. Unless we unite against them.

Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World

June 23, 2024

by Paul Craig Roberts

Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?

Depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many people today, because they no longer have the cultural knowledge gained from familiarity with their classic literature and religion which teaches how to deal with the challenges of life and how to grapple with inner demons. This knowledge has been lost. It has been excised from education as outdated, racist, not inclusive, judgmental, and white.

Hanne Herland reminds us of the importance of culture to survival and a moral life. She gives us hope for our revival by pointing out that Russia is again Christian despite decades of enforced communist atheism, which was also enforced on Americans by liberals and Jews. For example, no prayers in school, no Christian symbols in public places.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, was a hero in America as a Soviet dissident until his speech at Harvard University at which he said that “men have forgotten God,” and that this forgetfulness is the explanation for the numerous crises and social and personal maladies of our time.

Instantly, Solzhenitsyn became person non grata.

If you are a Christian, a real one and not a worshipper of Israel, you can understand what has happened to us in terms of Satan squeezing the good out of Western civilization and replacing it with evil.

When I challenge this thought, I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians.

It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war.

It is Washington and its EU Empire.

If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world.

Russia, China and Iran think they are confronting governments that have lost their senses. They are relying on the threat of the breakout of a world war to bring the West to its senses.They do not understand that they are confronting evil with whom no negotiations are possible.

This means that the halting, hesitant, insufficient responses of Russia, China, and Iran to evil are too weak to be effective.

The liberals, the left-wing, the Woke are the ones who destroyed the cultural knowledge of the West, thereby depriving the people of the ability to confront evil. For the liberal-left-Woke destroyers of civilization, spiritual evil is incomprehensible. For them the only evils are Trump, “white racism” and “Putin’s aggression.”

In the liberal-left-Woke matrix there are no other evils.

The West no longer rests on a Western culture. It rests on sexual perversion and the promotion by governments, corporations, and universities of transgenderism and critical race theory. Western nations have been replaced with Sodom and Gomorrahs and towers of babel. Enemies are necessary to justify the US military/security complex’s massive budget and power. The more enemies the larger the budget and power.

There is not much more hope in American conservatives than there is in the liberal-left-Woke contingent. Conservatives confuse their country with the government. As Albert Jay Nock and Thomas Jefferson clearly explained, the two are entirely different. But it is an important distinction that is over the heads of many conservatives.

Solzhenitsyn told us that when respect for religion, traditional values, family, and religious faith are stripped from a society, society has been disarmed and no protection remains against the triumph of evil. As the liberal-left-Woke contingent has stripped away these protections, evil is now the dominant power in the Western World.

Russia, China and Iran do not confront Western governments capable of reason. They confront unbridled evil.

Putin puzzles why the West is so unreasonable. The answer is that evil is unreasonable. You cannot make a deal with it.

Why Has China Purchased Farmland Near 19 Different Military Bases Inside The US?

June 22, 2024

Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog

Most of the Chinese migrants that are coming across the southern border are men of military age, and they commonly travel to the border in groups.

Suspiciously, these groups of military age Chinese men are often decked out in matching equipment.

But they are let into the country anyway, because that is what our leaders have decided to do.

The Chinese aren’t exactly being subtle about what they are trying to do.  Today, they own more than 300,000 acres of farmland inside the United States, and they have been specifically targeting areas that are located near important military bases.  As you will see below, the Chinese now own farmland very close to 19 different U.S. military bases.  How in the world could our leaders have allowed this to happen?  Foreign adversaries should not be allowed to purchase farmland at all, and yet somehow they have been able to acquire land that is ideal for spying on our military bases over and over again. 

In fact, the New York Post has “identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities”…

China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national security fears over potential espionage or even sabotage.

The Post has identified 19 bases across the US from Florida to Hawaii which are in close proximity to land bought up by Chinese entities and could be exploited by spies working for the communist nation.

When I read stuff like that, it makes me want to tear my hair out.

Are the people that are in charge of our national security really this incompetent?

According to the New York Post, the list includes some of our “most strategically important bases”

They include some of the military’s most strategically important bases: Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in Fayetteville, North Carolina; Fort Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) in Killeen, Texas; Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California, and MacDill air force base in Tampa, Florida.

We know that the Chinese are very interested in our military bases.

Do you remember the Chinese spy balloon that was allowed to fly over our country?

The path that it took allowed it to gather intelligence on Malmstrom Air Force Base, which is where some of our key nuclear assets are located.

And the Wall Street Journal has reported that Chinese nationals have been caught accessing “military bases and other sensitive sites” inside the United States close to 100 times…

Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, have accessed military bases and other sensitive sites in the U.S. as many as 100 times in recent years, according to U.S. officials, who describe the incidents as a potential espionage threat.

The Defense Department, FBI and other agencies held a review last year to try to limit these incidents, which involve people whom officials have dubbed gate-crashers because of their attempts—either by accident or intentionally—to get onto U.S. military bases and other installations without proper authorization. They range from Chinese nationals found crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico to what appeared to be scuba divers swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket-launch site in Florida.

Look, everyone knows that the Chinese are trying to spy on us.

That isn’t a big secret.

Just don’t make it easy for them.

At the same time all of this spying is going on, there has been an unprecedented surge in Chinese migrants coming across the southern border…

US border officials said they detained 37,000 Chinese migrants attempting to cross the border in 2023, or 10 times the number detained in the year before. The true number of those attempting to cross the border is likely higher.

The flow of Chinese migrants continued to surge in 2024, with CBS reporting in February that it observed 600 migrants, many of whom were Chinese, entering the US in a single day.

The House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability said in May that the number of Chinese nationals encountered by authorities at the US border in March had jumped 8,000% from the same period in 2021.

Most of the Chinese migrants that are coming across the southern border are men of military age, and they commonly travel to the border in groups.

Suspiciously, these groups of military age Chinese men are often decked out in matching equipment.

But they are let into the country anyway, because that is what our leaders have decided to do.

So now we have tens of thousands of military age “Chinese migrants” that are running around inside our country, and we have no idea where they are or what they are doing.

The Chinese are preparing to win a war, and we are preparing to lose one.

At this point, everyone realizes that the Chinese are going to invade Taiwan eventually.  In fact, the Daily Mail ran a big story about the coming invasion this week

Xi Jinping views Taiwan as a breakaway Chinese province and has vowed to ‘reunify’ it with the mainland, by force if necessary.

He is in the midst of a huge military buildup, regularly sending fighter jets and warships to harass Taiwan, and staging menacing war games in the area.

When Taiwan is invaded, the U.S. military will be expected to intervene, and then we will be at war with China

Taiwan views itself as independent of Beijing and is allied to America – a legacy that stretches back to the Chinese Civil War 75 years ago.

America supplies the islands with weapons and is expected to go to war to defend them if they are attacked.

By most estimates, a war over Taiwan would be one of the biggest, bloodiest, and most expensive in history.

Most people don’t realize this, but China and the Philippines are also on the verge of military conflict.  Recently, there was a very alarming clash in the South China Sea that resulted in one Filipino soldier losing a thumb

Filipino soldiers had to defend themselves with bare hands against Chinese coast guard armed with swords and knives, according to the Philippines.

General Romeo Brawner, the Philippines’ top military commander, criticized China for what he described as “reckless and aggressive” behavior while the Philippines navy and coast guard were delivering supplies to Filipino soldiers in the disputed South China Sea on Monday.

Chinese coast guard personnel rammed their vessels into boats belonging to the Philippines, and boarded and attacked them, the BBC reported Brawner as saying, leaving some injured and one soldier having lost a thumb.

The Chinese have become extremely aggressive, and it is just a matter of time before we are at war with them.

But even though many of our leaders publicly talk about the coming war, we are still allowing the Chinese to take advantage of us in unthinkable ways.

We should have never allowed the Chinese to purchase large tracts of farmland near 19 of our most important military bases.

Unfortunately, they are there now, and that will give them a major advantage when war finally erupts.

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Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can subscribe to his Substack  newsletter at