Zeitgeist; May 30, 2024

by The Antisoiler

The Swamp is a legal fiction.


Government is a tool used by parasites to feed off of the population.

We are told, that government is instituted among men, for the purpose of defending our lives, freedoms, and property.

However, government wants us to pay taxes, which is our property. If we refuse to pay those taxes, they want to put us in a cage, which is a restraint on our freedoms. If we oppose their attempts to cage us, they will kill us, which is a loss of our lives.

So, what government actually does, is it takes our property, takes our freedoms, and kills us. This is the exact opposite of what its stated purpose is.

A mature adult navigating its own life should not give up the ability to make life choices, especially to professional liars, thieves, and psychopaths.

Religious institutions are separate from God. Many people give up their authority to religious institutions in the same way that they do with governments.

Governments and religions are like life rafts for the fearful, ignorant, and dependent. There is a serious lack of introspection and knowledge throughout the population. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, right?

All governments are corrupt from their foundation. Mature adults do not need a government. Immature adults end up dead by their own doing. An armed society is a polite society, as it tends to provoke introspection before action.

Recall that the 1913 session of congress enacted the federal reserve act, and every congress since has been complicit in not stopping the corruption. The usury based monetary unit we use as a means of exchange, has propagated financial desperation nationally and globally. This desperation has provoked cruelty on a grand scale. **** rolls down hill. So does abuse.

Ever since the incorporation of the ten mile square called “District of Columbia”, which is listed as the definition for the words “United States” in federal codes, they have been committing constructive fraud on government documents that ask if you are a US citizen. This is then used as justification for treating you as if you are their employee/property/slave. At this point they just assume they can have their way with you. This means there are no legit constitutional protections by the courts, because there are no courts. There are only administrative bodies, enforcing corporate policy. Hence the policy enforcers, the police officers. Slight of hand, innuendo, lies, deception.

It is not a lack of god, because god has never left. It is the failure of each of us to change course. Everyone has participated in the present condition of our society.

Accountability starts with each of us, in every moment. You let a little corruption go, instead of nipping it in the bud, and then it will grow. Others will see how the game is being played, and operate the same way.  If the cop standing at the driver’s side window on the side of the road was instantly swarmed by tens, hundreds of passersby, who were prepared to put him down, how long would they keep trying that? God helps those who help themselves, right?

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